Jul 07, 2005 22:45
Beep beep.
Beep Beep.
Beep Beep.
It takes me 3 alarms to get up. 8am, though I should probably get up earlier. Good thing I don't work up much of a sweat, because I think I'm down to showering once every 2 or 3 days. It doesn't bother me. It really shouldn't bother you. I've been wearing the same jeans almost every single day since I bought them sometime this past winter. Only pair I have without holes that fit. So I get up. Put on these jeans. Throw on a wifebeater. I might toss a bit of water on my hair. Just depends on how bad the bedhead is. Some days I'll put on makeup. Put in contacts. Other days I'll forget to put on deoderant and walk out with yesterdays mascara still smeared beneath my eyes. Then there is a phone call. Either made by me or someone else. Always the same hello. "Goodmorning pumpkin." A little time passes and a car pulls up. One of those American sports car jobs, driven like a damn racecar. At this point.. I'm either standing outside or walking out barefoot, shoes in hand. Most days we stop at the mobil for smokes and green tea. Some days we're running a little behind and we decide it's better to do once we're on the clock. A short while later I'm settled in my ripped mustard yellow one arm chair. Sometimes I'm watching tv (news, star trek, macguyver, max x, and police chase videos.. in that order..). Other times I'm reading a book. Occasionally I am forced from my seat by random ringing noises or appearances of people. Other than that.. I smoke too much, drink way too much RC, 7up, or orange crush, and find stupid ways to amuse myself. Sliding around on transmission fluid is actually fun. Some number of hours later I eat. Some time after that I go to my dads or go home. The only variant in what happens after this is time. Pretty much it involves talking to someone, eating, drinking, watching more moving pictures, and then sleeping.
Beep Beep.