Jun 20, 2005 08:35
My mom moved out yesterday. Wa-fuck'n-hoo. Spent the rest of Father's day relaxing. Popped over to my dads, layed out on the hammock, spent about 4 hours in a hot tub.. Yeah. Yesterday was good. More good times to come, too. Matt should be in town sometime on Wednesday. I've definitely realized that a month and a half with out seeing him.. is entirely way too fucking long. Don't get me wrong.. I've been doing the 'I'm gett'n some booty' dance, but it's a lot more than that. I miss the little things. Taking walks... watching how he shuffles his feet and how his hands move in outward circular motions when he explains something. How everytime his email notification beeps.. he looks at me and smiles before running to the laptop. The little things that get him excited. Like.. the Mobil gas station having a big bag of the chips he wanted...
God. I've gone completely insane.