(no subject)

Jul 08, 2008 19:00

Spice Girls [All of them]
Narnia [Trailor of Narnia 2]
Firefly [Simon, Inara, Kaylee]
Ab Fab [Eddie, Saffie, Patsy]
SGA [Mcshep, John, Teyla/Ronon, Teyla]
SGA Wallpaper [Teyla, John, Mcshep]
Comic [X-men, New Mutants: Karma/Moonstar]

I always forget to put the rules up
***Comment plz
***Credit: Don't have to, but I would love it.
***Don't hotlink, I won't replace the icons if you do and that just rude to everyone else
***Modify if you like, but don't reclaim as your own

Spice Girls








[800-600] [1024-768] [1024-768 with added Sheppard and 'jumper Image]

the insert link is no longer working for me, is this happening to anyone else?
[800-600] [misc]

50 Themed
i. so far apart, ii. temptation, iii. shades of gray, ix. side by side, x. the end


i. small, ii. snarky, iii. teamwork, ix. time, x. touch

i. trouble, ii. wtf?!, iii. Seasons/seasonal, ix. hope, x. land


i. light, ii. loss, iii. lost, xi. love, x. magical

i. naughty, ii. normal, iii. pain, xi. playful, x. power

i. questions?, ii. rage, iii. regret, xi. sad/tearness, x. belief


i. despair, ii. alone, iii. battle, ix. beautiful, x. big

i. choices, ii. command, iii. dangerous, xi. dark, x. desire


i. dream, ii. excited, iii. eyes, xi. fantasy, x. fire

i. friendship, ii. funny, iii. goodbye, xi. hate, x. all that I am

Artist's Choice
i. 001, ii. 002, iii. 003, ix. 004, x. 005

i. 006, ii. 007, iii. 008, ix. 009, x. 010

i. 011, ii. 012, iii. 013, ix. 014, x. 015


i. 016, ii. 017, iii. 018, ix. 019, x. 020


i. 021, ii.022, iii. 023, ix. 024, x. 025


i. 026, ii. 027, iii. 028, ix. 029, x. 030


i. 031, ii. 032, iii. 033, ix. 034, x. 035

i. 036, ii. 037, iii. 038, ix. 039, x. 040

i. 041, ii. 042, iii. 043, ix. 044, x. 045


i. 046, ii. 047, iii. 048, ix. 049, x. 050




ETA: all comic icons are under 40 now! sorry. Thanks to twbasketcase  for pointing it out. 

ab fab, 100icons, firefly, narnia, wallpaper, spice girls, sga, mcshep, comic

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