Movie Review: To Rome with Love

Aug 11, 2012 20:24

Today I saw the new Woody Allen's movie To Rome with Love and I have to say I never laughed as hard as I did watching this film! Now the "plot" of the movie is and I quote: "The lives of some visitors and residents of Rome and the romances, adventures and predicaments they get into". Basically there's four separate storylines that doesn't intervene in any point in the film - the only things they have in common are the location which is of course Rome, and the hilarious story line.

I have to say my favorite story line was about an average man called Leopoldo, who's wonderfully played by Roberto Benigni, suddenly find himself famous for no apparent reason. The whole story line show his initial confusion to his sudden fame, to enjoying the benefits of his new life style, to resentment of the no privacy, to the relief once he goes back his old life ending with his realization that he much rather be famous that nobody. I found this story line the funniest but once the laughter stop I can't help wondering who sad this story line really is; it also make my think of all the "reality stars" we have to day and wonder - does it really supersize as that so many people want to be famous, to be recognized? Is it a wonder that so many people watch those shows maybe because we secretly jealous that those people who don't get any talent managed to make themselves famous? I don't about you but I find this all very sad how our society seemed to desperately wanting to be famous if for the sake of being famous.

Wow, I didn't mean to rent so much, I just wanted to write how much I enjoyed watching this film…

movie review

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