Fic: Growing Up Dorian: 7/7

Oct 18, 2009 19:46

Title: Growing Up Dorian
Chapter: 7
Author: nighthawkms (beta'd by mostepotente
Genre: Future!Fic, Possibly AU
Chapter Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Slash, Obscenities, Angst, Character Death
Chapter Pairing:(s) Click to be Spoiled: Sam/Jenny, Jack/Izzy, JD/Cox
Summary: Excerpts from the childhood of Sam Dorian Jr.
Disclaimer: Scrubs is the property of Bill Lawrence and I guess ABC network nowadays. I don't own it, I'm just playing in the 'verse!

Notes: It's the last chapter! I want to thank you all for sticking through my hectic update schedule, and I hope you thought it was worth it, because finally, here it is, the last chapter of Growing Up Dorian!

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6


Sam lifted his head from the book it was buried in when he heard the doorbell ring on Sunday afternoon. That’s odd, he thought, standing up and heading towards the foyer, glancing out the window at the pounding rain outside. Didn’t think Dad said anyone was coming over today.

He glanced through the peephole on the door, gasped, and flung it open. “J-Jenny?” he said, staring at her. She was soaked from head to foot in water, dripping onto the welcome mat, a drop precariously dangling from the tip of her nose. Still beautiful, he thought, gulping slightly. “What are you-”

“Stupid rain started up as I was coming over,” she said, huffing. “Can I come in?”

“Yeah.” He stepped back, letting her move past him and closing the door behind her. “Look, I’m really-” he started to say as he turned, but suddenly there were two hands against his chest and she was pressing him up against the front door, getting really close and standing on her tippy-toes to stare him straight in the eye. He gulped, loudly. “Uhhh…”

“Shut up,” she said. “I have been spending the last two days figuring out whether I should beat the shit out of you or not for being the little nosy busybody that you always are. We would’ve just stayed oblivious for the rest of our lives if you hadn’t felt the need to listen in on everybody’s private conversations.”

“I’m sorry, I really am; I-mmmph!” He breathed sharply against the hand she had pressed against his mouth.

“I know you are, and that’s why I’m not beating you up.” He breathed a sigh of relief, but she kept her hand over his mouth. “Sometimes you’re a moron, and sometimes you don’t know when to shut up and sometimes I want to knock some sense into you, but…” she sighed and then she was smiling and his heart was exploding in butterflies and candy and unicorns. “But we’re not like those idiot fathers of ours, and I’m not going to lose you; I won’t let the person I love go because of fear.”

Finally, she removed her hand. Sam responded by pulling her close into a deep kiss. The cold rain soaked against his clothes but he didn’t care; he just wanted her against him. “God, Jenny…” he muttered when they broke apart, panting. “Thank you.”

“Same to you,” she muttered, smirking. “Saw your dad’s car wasn’t in the driveway. Where is he?”

“Mr. Turk found out about your brother and Izzy. My dad went over his house for support and to keep him from doing anything stupid.”

“Ouch.” Jenny winced. “No wonder Jack looked like he had a stick up his ass today. Oh well; if Izzy wants to date my brother than I doubt Mr. Turk or Dad will be able to stop her.” She grinned. “That girl gets what she wants.”

“Look who’s talking,” Sam said, giggling. She pinched his arm in retaliation but her smile didn’t fade.

“C’mon,” she said, kissing him again and tugging him backwards. “Your dad’s not gonna be home soon, right?”

“Don’t think so…” The butterflies in Sam’s stomach were now experimenting with crack, apparently. “Why?”

“Don’t play stupid; you’re no good at acting,” she muttered, pulling him towards his bedroom. “Want you… tired of waiting.”

“Didn’t know we were waiting…”

“You’re just too noble to make the first move,” Jenny said, snickering. She wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed their lower halves together and Sam moaned. “Heh, knew it. You want me too. You’ve got condoms, right?”

“Mhhmm.” Sam reached down and lifted her up, letting her wrap her legs around his waist. “Don’t ask me how I got them though.”

“You don’t know?”

“I do, but I was too chicken to go buy them myself…”

“Oh god, who did you make get them for you?”

“Who is the only person on the planet who would buy condoms for me?”

Jenny stared at him for a moment, and then laughed. “You owe Izzy so bad.”

“Well you’re gonna owe her too now, considering the facts.” Sam grinned at her and stepped into his room, kicking the door shut behind him.


The next Friday night found Sammy helping his dad make dinner. He’d been at his mom’s house during the weekdays and hadn’t had a chance to talk to his dad again about Mr. Cox or any of that business… not that he’d listen to me, Sam thought, chopping up vegetables.

When the doorbell rang and he answered it, Sam thought he was going to die. Mr. Cox was standing there with Jenny. Oh god, he’s got two reasons to kill me; I told his daughter about his affair with my dad, and I had sex with her. He was really racking up brownie points with Mr. Cox this week, wasn’t he?

“Sam, is your dad home?”

He blinked, surprised. “Yeah… he’s in the kitchen.”

“Come on, Sam,” Jenny said, grabbing his hand and tugging him out the door. “They need to talk.”

Sam found himself being dragged away from the house, looking back anxiously at Mr. Cox stepping inside and closing the door behind him. “They’ll kill each other!” he hissed to Jenny, who turned around and just gave him a sly look.

“Calm down; he’s not mad.”

“He’s not?” Honestly, Sam could never tell whether Mr. Cox was happy, sad, angry, or anything really; his facial expressions all seemed pretty similar. “Then what is he doing?”

“Not being stupid anymore.” She opened the door of her family’s mini-van, revealing Izzy and Jack on the inside, who were making out in the driver’s seat. “Ahem!”

They pulled away from each other, grinning madly. “Hey Sam!” Izzy chirped, pointing to the back seat. “Get in; we’re going for a drive to let your dad and Mr. Cox talk.”


“Hopefully just talking,” Jack muttered, turning on the ignition. “They can be all in love with each other or whatever; I just don’t need to think about all the details involved with that.”

“Agreed,” said Sam and Jenny at the same time.

“So where to?” Jack asked once they had all gotten in the car. “I’ve got a full tank and an order not to come back here for at least three hours.”

“And you think they’re just going to talk,” Izzy muttered, snickering. “You guys up for pizza?”

“Sure,” Sam said, leaning back against the back seat and resting his arm over Jenny’s shoulder. He glanced out the window for a moment, back at the house. I hope they figure things out, he thought, tugging Jenny a bit closer. I hope they can make each other happy.

“Hey, no funny business with my sister, Sam. Arm off of her.”

“Fuck off, Jack. At least I haven’t made out with him in front of you.”

The bickering continued all the way to the pizza place.


“Would you hold still, Sam?”

“Sorry, Mom. Just jittery.” Sam shifted inside his shoes and glanced around the dressing room, catching sight of himself in a mirror. He was lanky in his tuxedo, it had to be oversized, and his mom insisted on adjusting his tie so that it was absolutely perfect… I look like an overdressed little kid, he thought. She’s going to take one look at me and flee.

“Kim, would you leave his tie alone?” Sam’s dad was seated on a chair in the corner, flipping through a magazine. “He doesn’t need to be fussed over; he’s a grown man.”

“Almost done… got it!” Mom stepped back and looked him up and down; pride evident in her expression. “Oh Sammy, you look so handsome…”

“Thanks Mom…” he felt red creeping up to tinge his face and swallowed, looking at his dad. “Did you get one of the flowers for me?”

“Yep.” Dad god up and plucked it off the table next to him, coming over and pinning the flower to his suit jacket and adjusting it a little.

“Oh look who’s fussing over our son now, JD.”

Dad grinned at Mom and rolled his eyes. “Oh, cut it out; I wasn’t measuring the angle of the damn thing to make sure it was exactly thirty two degrees to the left.”

“Sure you weren’t.” Mom moved forward to peck Sam on the cheek. “I have to go play hostess, but I’ll see you out there; good luck!” Then she bustled away.

“So any last minute advice you’d like from father to son?” Dad asked when she was gone, standing next to him as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. Sam could see in their juxtaposition how he’d probably look in about thirty years. At least I’ll keep my hair, and it’ll still be fairly dark.

“I don’t know. I feel like I’m going to walk in there and she’s going to realize I’m the wrong person.”

Dad laughed. “You’ll be fine. Just remember one thing.”

“What’s that?”

His dad smiled and nudged his arm. “She loves you,” he said. “And that’s always enough.”

“Are you two girls ready?” called a voice from the door, and they turned to see Perry leaning against the frame, smirking at the both of them. “Because we’re about to start, and while I know you two love sharing your emotional little weepy tales and fixing each other’s hair, we really shouldn’t keep the people waiting. And nobody keeps my daughter waiting,” he said, fixing Sam with a stare that Sam knew meant ‘this means you.’

“Relax, Perry.” Sam’s dad moved forward and pecked him on the cheek, slipping his arm under Perry’s and tugging him out the door. “Let Sam have a minute or two to himself; it’s the last he’ll get for a while. Besides,” Dad glanced back at him with a wink. “The Dorian men know well enough that keeping any Cox man or woman waiting is not a good idea.”

“Damn right,” Sam heard Perry mutter as they walked away.

Sam looked back at himself in the mirror and took a big breath. You can do this. You love her… and that’s always enough.

Then he headed out of the room and down the hall, opening the chapel doors and heading down the aisle. He made it up to the altar as the organ music began to play, and turned to see the doors swing open wide, Jenny standing there swathed in her white wedding dress and looking radiant.

Sam stood up straight, beamed at her, and felt his jitters fade as she walked towards him. He looked around the chapel and saw so many familiar faces from his life; Jack and Izzy were in the first row on the right, Izzy holding their new baby. Mr. and Mrs. Turk and Chris were in the first row on the left. Uncle Dan and Aunt Elliot were in the second row on the left, waving at him; his cousin Joey and his best man Paul were standing to his left, and Natasha was on his right as the maid of honor. Mom was leaning against her husband Francis (ten years and going strong). Dad was standing next to them, watching Perry and Jenny walk down the aisle.

When they got to the front, Perry hugged his daughter and then went to stand next to Sam’s dad. Jenny walked up to Sam, grinning widely under her veil. “You ready for this?” she whispered, standing next to him as they turned towards the altar.

At the age of twenty-five, Sam had never felt more ready for anything in his life.


Note: Thank you so much for reading this story, all of you. I've gotten so many wonderful reviews over the months and it feels absolutely fantastic. Next month I'll be participating in NaNoWriMo 2009, but after that's finished I hope to return with more stories for you all! And this may not be the end for GUD... I'm not planning a sequel, but I do have one more idea for a companion piece set in the GUD universe.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and see you all soon!

alternate reality, jd/cox, scrubs, public, fanfiction

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