snow is what we've got to deal with here in Denver. and granted, 23 degrees is cold, but certainly not the coldest in the nation with the Polar Vortex or whatever.
what is up with the Weather Channel naming these winter storms now? Hercules? really? really? lame. Weather Channel, you are not part of the solution. You are part of the problem.
I like the fact that I'm writing in LJ again, even if there aren't a lot of people to read it. I like the fact that I'm writing again. As you might learn if you go through my archives, I am a writer of fiction and I can say that I've written two novels in my time. Unpublished, unedited novels just sitting on my hard drive, but I still count them. They are two long format stories that I have committed to the written word. I have been trying for a third, but it's not coming as easy. I still try to work on short stories. I would love to get published again, and that seems to be my best bet.
oh, that's right, getting published happened in my absence from LJ. so, I'm now officially a published writer. Mine is the first story in the Bear Bones Books anthology
"Tales From the Den: Wild and Weird Stories for Bears" OH HEY LOOK HERE'S A HOTLINK. I was toying with the idea of a pen name but they credited me as Larry C Faulkner, so I guess that's my official author name now, and that's really okay with me. It sounds author-y. I can't tell you how ecstatic I was when I found out my story got accepted. To say I was thrilled is an understatement. I got my (small, double digit) check about a year later but I got my promo copy hot off the press, and it's still sitting on my bookcase. I even showed it to my mom. It was proof. It was validation. It was realization. It was a hint that my dream could, potentially, come true.
now, I just gotta keep working at it.
I have done some smallish stories that are kinda trash, I've posted them on my tumblr, which, in retrospect, that's what I should be using LJ for, and just directing people here for the traffic. I'll probably end up posting those stories here too. Maybe later today, in fact. some of them are romantic, smutty, both? I dunno. It's fun. I like writing about sex. I'm good at it. and it makes me feel sexy. LOL
in other news, I'm freaking out less about my living situation. I've just come to terms that I'm going to have to find a roommate, but I have time to find the right one. so, I guess that's a good thing. meanwhile, I will make do with what I have. it could be way worse...I was reminded of that when, while on the Route 0 - Broadway bus last night, I was watching a homeless guy eat a can of dog food. Sad.