Title: Putting up with Jin and his Castles in the Sky (isn't such a bad thing) a.k.a. lack of title ideas for architects!akame Author:
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HA. Jin soooo would. I skipped the pr0n part cuz I always do nowadays. XDDDD HILARIOUS THOUGH. I LOVE IT. Oh btw I'm volunteering tomorrow too at the playhouse. So if you wanna stop by afterwards, we could eat ice cream after?
D: B-BUT I was actually proud of the porn this time around. Haha, j/k it's okay. You are possibly the only one of my f-list who does not love porn in fic. XD
Ah! :D Just call me ahead of time and tell me what time it's expected to end. I'm sure mom and dad won't mind.
actually, that's like exactly what's happening. maybe worse. you'll see in like half an hour
OMG I DO THAT ALL THE TIME. like I'm on my way to the garage to get a pot for my mom and then I end up in the laundry room and I'd be all wth how did I get here and where was I going???
XDDDD CHURCH. WOW. That's funny. Reminds me of you.
.........you mean I have to stay awake for another half hour. j/k j/k I've been doing it as of late anyways XD
That's why you don't smoke the pot before you actually give it to your mom *shot repeatedly* Yeah, that happens to me esp. if I'm told to go upstairs to do something. "CAMILLE WHERE IS IT." "Wha? Oh. OH YEAH SORRY." *more yelling at me*
yeah. *guilty for thinking of plot ideas at church* *shifty eyes*
Ah! :D Just call me ahead of time and tell me what time it's expected to end. I'm sure mom and dad won't mind.
YAY. It's supposed to end at four. :D It's supposed to be a full house tomorrow. You got his email right? XDD
Oh. Yeah. I saw the email. XD But I already forgot.
ACK. got distracted by a game. wanna finish fic tonight D:
♥ What for? :D Not that I mind being called awesome. XD
*cough* Well if you need more porn for reference, twin and I have this stream of comment thread sort of porn going on. XD
♥ for forgetting things so easily, of course. only about the good stuff though. XDDDD
UM. Okay, link me. :D
Hahaha, and I get in trouble all the time for forgetting things, lol.
It's basically the thread below you
Really now. Do your parents get pissed?
AH. LEMME READ IT LATERZ. XDDD You guys write too much for this tired brain.
Um, yeah, esp. when they tell me to go do something and I leave to do it, but then I forget along the way to doing it.
XDDDD FINE! Well, we've stopped since twin's leaving for church
OMG I DO THAT ALL THE TIME. like I'm on my way to the garage to get a pot for my mom and then I end up in the laundry room and I'd be all wth how did I get here and where was I going???
XDDDD CHURCH. WOW. That's funny. Reminds me of you.
That's why you don't smoke the pot before you actually give it to your mom *shot repeatedly* Yeah, that happens to me esp. if I'm told to go upstairs to do something. "CAMILLE WHERE IS IT." "Wha? Oh. OH YEAH SORRY." *more yelling at me*
yeah. *guilty for thinking of plot ideas at church* *shifty eyes*
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