stuff and a video of Fae

Feb 27, 2011 10:42

*sigh* ....i really need to update PANDAmories. i'm like 5 months behind on photos-- the above & below photos aren't even on the site yet. :/

anyway, this entry is just me attempting to update lj more, even if it means babbling because i have nothing really important to update about.

i've gotten behind on knitting. :( two weeks ago i intended to knit a scarf to go with my gloves, but i've only just now started on it. :/ i've also gotten months behind on learning French. i bought a bunch of study materials and started studying just before we adopted Fae, but since we adopted her i haven't studied at all. :( gonna try to change that... i wish French wasn't so hard. >_<;

today me and David MIGHT go to see I Am Number Four or we MIGHT go to the Queensland art gallery.... really it's "i WILL go...", it's only David that's in question. he's such a homebody when he's off work. :P since i work from home i jump at any chance to get out of the apartment (provided the weather isn't crap), but since David likes to stay home i often end up going places alone. it would be nice to do something together...

we still haven't worked out what we're going to do in July/August when i have to leave the country. maybe we'll go to New Zealand...? maybe Singapore...? maybe Japan? we really need to start booking things.... >_<;;

anyway, i need to go shower and get ready to go. CHECK OUT THIS CUTE VIDEO OF FAE PLAYING WITH ONE OF HER TOYS. :3

videos, website, david, photos, fae, goals

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