adiaŭa kunveno

May 16, 2010 23:07

today was my farewell party, which was put on by the Esperanto Association of Kochi. i probably haven't mentioned it here since i have a separate Esperanto blog for such things, but i've been attending the twice-a-month meetings of the group for a few months now. there's still 2 months (omg 2???) before i leave, but today was the most convenient for everyone between now and then so the party was held today.

really it was just an awesome barbecue rather than a party. :) it was held in the garden (can't really call it a back or front yard) of a beeaauuuuutttiiful modern japanese style home in a serene area on the edge of the city. the garden was as beautiful as the house and almost the same size. :) the BBQ was my first ever BBQ in Japan and was in traditional japanese form-- ie. there was plenty of veggies, squid and beef to be had. there was also yakisoba and まぐろの目玉焼き (broiled tuna eyes). yes, i ate the eye of a tuna. well, more precisely i ate AROUND the eye of a tuna. i couldn't bring myself to eat the actual eyeball itself................... the part that i ate was really good though! D; i have photos of it, but i doubt anyone'd wanna see... :P there was also Erhu playing, singing and a bit of dancing. :) i'm lucky to have such nice people as friends. :'( the president of the group even gave me the latest edition of the "English/Esperanto/English Dictionary" by John Wells. :'(( <33

so yeah... today was a good day. :) i've been feeling under the weather all day, but thankfully i wasn't feeling too bad during the BBQ.

i wish tomorrow wasn't monday.

edit: an entry in esperanto with some photos is now up.

esperanto, food, friends, books

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