i need your help!
lately i`ve been teaching a lesson at E.S. that involves international cuisines of the likes of "Bibimbap is from Korea!", "Cream puffs are from Fance!", etcetc. guess what. America is not mentioned, of course. that fact has touched upon something that has annoyed me for a long time.
to Japan, and probably much of the world, America = hamburger & fries.
and nothing else worth mentioning food wise.
this pisses me off! yes, a lot of America`s cuisine derives from outside of America, but godfuckindamnit America has ORIGINAL cuisine too that is WAY more worth mentioning than fkin hamburgers & fries. for this reason, i have made it a personal goal of mine to include ALL-AMERICAN food in my lessons when possible. also, when someone asks me "what food is famous in America?" etcetc i aim to be able to rattle off a list so impressive that it will blow their minds.
now, i could sit here and come up with a list of things myself, but even if i did so i`m sure it would be lacking. i would like your help coming up with ALL-American food. food that originated in America and therefore kick every other country`s ass (no offense everyone else on my flist <3).
i`ve already preped flashcards for:
clam chowder,
macaroni and cheese and
milkshakes. can you think of anything else? :]
links to photos not necessary, but if you link to one we can drool together. :3
in other non-news, i started doing self-intros at Misato JHS and it has gone alright so far. so far i`ve had a class with the special ed students and one class each with the 1st and 2nd years. thank god for 確認テスト(tests) and 体育祭 (Sports Day) cause thanks to them i`ve had less classes! :D also because it means that the latter half of the day is more interesting since everyone`s practicing for Sports Day.
ah, and thanks to Sport`s Day my supervisor`s thoughtlessness i have managed to land the monday after V-Rock Festival '09 off! w00t! of course this just further tempts me to stay in Tokyo until monday so that i wont have to leave the festival early sunday, but no...! ><; then i`d just end up being dead on my feet tuesday, unless i fly... which is more expensive. meh.
tomorrow i go back to Todzu ES to teach more of Lesson 6.... meh. Todzu has really been confusing me lately. :/ i really don`t know wth to expect from them anymore. i`m going in tomorrow with an arsenal of stuff ready for my own sanity... as always.