more randomness

Aug 20, 2009 20:54

jlpt: ...apparently they`re changing the jlpt again in 2010. starting in 2010 every section of the jlpt will have a minimum passing score and if you fail even one section of the test you fail the entire thing... depressing. god, there`s no way i can pass 1級 in july now. ;-;

swine flu in japan: Japan goes into mass hysteria over the initial outbreak of the swine flu but then finally realizes that it`s not that bad and calms down. now, months and months later, Japan has its first fatality from it and then within days 2 other people die from it. wtf?? stay calm Japan, stay calm.

work: i didn`t bother mentioning it here, but i used special summer leave that i had to take the entire week off last week and it was fkin awesome, despite not having gone anywhere. coming back to work this week was brutal... but atleast the majority of it was spent at the BOE doing whatever i wanted. after next week, however, school starts again and i`ll be going to a new JHS. i am not looking forward to the next week going by in the slightest. -_-;

money: saving money has been really hard lately... what with my traveling last month and then buying tickets home for xmas. i`m really starting to think that maybe i should give up on hoping to save enough money to go to grad school. :/ there`s no way, no matter what i do, that i could save that kinda money... i was dreaming hoping that i could. ^^; also, i really really miss traveling... i wanna see more of Japan and travel outside the country while i`m at this job since i really wont have the opportunity to do so otherwise... it`s so tempting to just say "screw it!" to trying to save all the money i can for school and just go travel instead. ;-;

cats: i want a fkin cat, as always.

money, wtf, stuff, cats, japan, jlpt, traveling, school, meh, random thoughts

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