look at 'im now, disappearin' a cow

Apr 15, 2009 22:40

sighsigh i put off updating lj seriously yet again. no more videos. >_>; *cough* but i DID find an English translation of the video that i posted yesterday.... or atleast, an attempt at one. ;) it seems like the creator of the original vid attempted to translate it into English. :] the English isnt great, but the translated vid can be seen here.

anyway.... backtracking to when i last had something worth writing about here. sunday. i went to my fav used goods store, the same place where i got my DDR mat and the other games that i bought before i got my ps2, and i found 3 more DDR games! D; the original DDR, DDR 2nd Mix and DDR Extra Mix, bringing the # of DDR games that i own to a grand total of 5. i`m on my way to having a decent sized DDR collection. ;)

monday i... what did i do again?? D; oh right, i went to Kera Shomidai ES for my first ES visit of the school year. i had three classes of 6th years, the topic being weather and days of the week. i taught the same kids with the same teachers (although they were teaching diff classes) in feb and the students remembered me, for better or for worse... D; the classes went alright, i guess... the majority of the students already vaguely knew the days of the week... urgh. good thing i had prepared TWO topics, which i normally dont do, or i would have ran out of things before class was over. >_>;

tuesday i had two ES classes in the afternoon at Hitotsubashi ES. it was my first time going to that school and i left the school with a good first impression. :] the school seemed a lil on the small side compared to other ES i visit and the students that i encountered in and outside of class were really curious and nice. the school has gotten bonus points because no students stopped in their tracks and gasped or ran away as ES students so tend to do upon seeing me walk down a hallway for the first time lol... some students even approached me with questions. :] i taught played American games with two slightly small classes of 6th years and that went great, aside from the loud class clown in 6-1. that boy was fkin annoying and rude. >_>; the teacher of 6-2 was particularly awesome. i love her. <3 her class was awesome too.

after leaving Hitotsubashi, i passed an interesting looking store, among other things, and decided to go in and take a look... ended up being there for like half an hr getting talked to by the clerk as i was looking at things lol. the store had a lot of really beautiful ceramic tableware (among other things) and i found some things that i wanted to buy, but i was broke. :`[ i think the place was called.... さわりsomething? さよりsomething? i so cant remember. anyway, i know where it is and might go back there tomorrow or friday.

i havent done anything today worth mentioning... but tomorrow is payday!! i literally only have around 200yen on me right now, but that`s alright...! i only have that much because i have been trying really hard not to touch the 100,000yen thats still in my bank account so that it can be transfered to my savings account in its entirety tomorrow. w00t! 8) this is paycheck #2 were i`ve managed to meet my saving goal... even if just barely both times. ^^; i think that saving this month was a tiiinny bit easier than it was last month... i hope that saving really will get easier and easier because i need to keep this up for a long time. i so miss traveling, though... *sigh*

anyway, yeah... might as well end this entry with a lil Magical Trevor.

money, shopping, games, elementary school

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