lj memories

Jan 22, 2009 19:41

i`ve been using lj since sept 2002... this sept will make 7 years of lj-ness.

somehow that makes me feel old? 2002 isn`t even when i started using the internet lol.

out of boredom, i`ve been reading random oldass lj entries of mine (may i advice you against doing that btw) and it was interesting to reflect back on crap and remember things that i had forgotten. my memory is utter shit, so i really appreciate having something that lets me look back on everyday things of the past. if only lj had had tagging back in 2002... :[

i really need to archive/backup my lj entries... maybe i`ll do that this weekend. i have no intention of ever not updating lj anymore (yay for permanent account status!), but databases and servers are far from infallible, of course, and with the way the economy has been and all the changes and crap that livejournal has been making to "manage" through it, my precious bitchlog lj may not always be here.... ah, the sadness. :`[


so i can 4evre look back on my crap and laugh or cry.

*coughs literally*

in more current events, i didn`t die at Kera today. yay! i suspect the wakame soup that i made for breakfast + using my A/C heater this morning helped me survive the day. on a sidenote, i`ve decided to say "fkit" to my electricity bill and use my expensive A/C heater whenever i want to. i freeze my ass off at work, i might as well be warmish at home. especially since i can`t have my hotass showers anymore... i swear that had a hand in me catching my current cold. i miss my hotass showers... ;-;

i had 3 classes today, which went alright, thankfully. many students at both my JHSes have been absent this week because of flu/influenza which has been running rampant throughout Japan lately, and so both Otsu and Kera have been making sudden changes to class schedules to "accommodate" the almost half-empty classrooms of some classes. none of my classes got canceled though, damnit. meanwhile, i`ve started studying for 1 kyuu of the JLPT, which i still have no intention of taking this year.

today`s 給食: (Japanese) curry, rice, tsukemono and milk. i don`t really care for Japan`s curry, probably because it`s beef-based, but eh. i eat what`s given to me at school. most of the time. >_>;

ah, music from my high school/early college days... it`s nice browsing through music folders that i havent been in in years. 8)

lj, school lunch, sick, memories

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