fk winter

Jan 21, 2009 21:14

i hate winter I HATE WINTER i hate winter WHY ISNT IT SPRING YET.

urgh, i fkin hate winter.

today sucked ass. combining a cold with lack of sleep is NOT a good thing, i found out today. u_u; it was so hard to drag myself out of my futon this morning, but i somehow managed to get to school where i proceeded to sit with my head on my desk and feel like utter shit for a while. after a bit the "omg she`s sick!" typical panic of japanese ppl, which especially applies to foreigners, set in and i got my temp taken to find out that i had a tiny fever. feeling like shit but not wanting to go home like everyone else wanted me to, i spent 1st and 2nd period curled into a ball in the little room in the staffroom that has a heater. just before 3rd period i was feeling marginally better, so i got my temp taken again and the fever was gone. i managed to teach 2 classes and eat lunch before going home early and passing out for a couple of hours. getting more sleep helped a lot. :[

i forgot my phone today, so no photo of 給食 (school lunch) today.

bleh.... i refuse to buy cold medicine because it`s so expensive and it may not even be effective on me, but i don`t want to go to a hospital either. i`ll just have to ride the cold thru like i always do, but try to get decent sleep. u_u i can`t wait till the weekend...

i made wakame soup again tonight, but this time without egg since i had none. i love wakame soup so much... D; i think that my wakame soup will be a replacement for chicken noodle soup here, since i can make it within minutes from scratch and it`s so awesome. i need to learn to make other Japanese soups.

i hope i don`t die at Kera tomorrow. ;[

weather, food, sick

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