
Jun 09, 2008 21:55

today was as only an `alright` day until dinner, but that comes later.

classes at Kagami E.S. went... okay... they could have gone better. teaching such small classes was strange and the teaching conditions i was under sucked. one student in each of the classes were obviously autistic and one kid in the 2nd year class was one of those boys that you want to shut the hell up. the 4th year teacher requested the students learn colors despite them already knowing most of what there is to know and despite having also selected English Song, it didnt even seem to me like anything was prepared to play CDs on. meh.

getting to the school required a 15~ minute taxi ride through winding mountain roads. the school is so nestled away in the (beautiful, scenic!!!) mountains that it`s kind of ridiculous that the village the school is part of is considered part of Kochi City. i guess they`re too small to have their own board of education etc so they just pretend to be part of Kochi City lol... man, seeing the beautiful mountains and the gorgeous river/gorge that runs through them makes me wish i had a car. i`d SO love to explore the nature outside of the city, but it`s very hard if not impossible to get to where the nature is without private transportation.. *sigh*

anyway, Kagami E.S.. would be fine with me if i never make another trip back to that school.

boarding the city train on my way back home, this random guy who got on the train at the same stop as me decided to start up a conversation with me in his limited English. :`x and man did he work that limited English he had! lol! he was all passionate and stuff, gesturing, talking relatively loudly, making the most descriptive facial expressions-- other passengers scooted away and everyone diverted their eyes and acted as if nothing was happening-- as is the Japanese norm. in the limited (and i mean limited) English that this guy had he went on and on about how "America is big (powerful)!" "Japan, nothing! NOTHING!" and he`d do body gestures and facial expressions that read "absolute disgust!". D; and i`d get like "i like Japan! Japan and America are both special!" and he`d be like "thank you, thank you, but Japan! nothing!" *look of disgust again* "but America, many wars." *look that was neither mad, nor happy* "but Obama, Hillary, America new king-- change i hope." ;o i`m piecing together several bits he said sparingly through the convo, he didn`t know how to make full sentences out of what he wanted to say, i had to fill in some blanks for him, to which he would eagerly nod and say "yes! yes!" D; "talking" with him was.... amusing/interesting, but i don`t know what to say about his view of America vs. Japan. :`x you need to love your own country more, guy! who cares about America! D;

:`x anyway..... the main event of today! dinner. i had bought chicken that i was going to fry for dinner, but then i started thinking that i should treat myself to something else.... something that i`ve been wanting to try out for a while but havent gotten up the nerve, mainly because of the price. i checked the expiration date on the chicken and it`ll last until tomorrow, so i decided to order pizza for the first time! the only pizza i`ve had since being in Japan is really cruddy and/or very Japan-ized "pizza" from bakeries and that one pizza that i had the one time i went to an italian restaurant. my pizza experience in Japan has sucked badly, so i was somewhat apprehensive about ordering pizza, even from a pizza chain, but i had to give it a try. if there was any time i could justify spending so much on a dinner that i may not like it was today. so i looked at the fliers of two chains that are constantly spamming my mailbox: Dominos Pizza and Pizza Royalhat. Dominos Pizza was more expensive in every way and their selection of pizzas didn`t really appeal to me. Pizza Royal Hat won me over in every way, from price to their selection of pizza, so i went with them....


Pizza Royalhat has made a patron out of me in one night! D; i ordered the pizza online through their website (because i didn`t feel like talking to anyone and reading/typing is easier) and it was very easy to do. their order confirmation emails came lightning fast and even though the online estimated time for delivery was 40 minutes, the pizza was delivered in 15 minutes! 15 minutes after ordering online the pizza is at my door! with free french fries for ordering online! AND NO DELIVERY FEE!!! Dominos` fee started at almost 10$ and Royalhat's ad said theirs started at around 8$-- BUT THERE WAS NO FEE!! and the pizza i ordered (木の子と完熟トマト) was vegelicious, garlicたっぷり and hot-- just as it should be!

GO PIZZA ROYALHAT! after cowering in fear of paying a lot for a bad or japan-ized pizza and being a cheapskate for mooonths i can now safely enjoy pizza in Japan! :D YAY! my day has ended nicely! THANK YOU ROYALHAT! <3

oh yeah, and my self-bought present arrived on-time today. and it fits perfectly. yay. :]

food, stuff, lulz, w00t, elementary school

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