
Jun 08, 2008 21:19

feeling better today than i felt yesterday. yesterday was a weird day. this weekend i haven`t done anything at all... did laundry, got somewhat caught up on sleep and that`s literally it. i`ve been staring at my schedule for tomorrow... i`ll be going to an little (and i mean little) E.S. far away, in the mountains in the middle of no where. i`ve never been to this school before and this will be the smallest E.S. i`ll have ever visited. i`m to teach the entire 2nd grade and 4th grade which consist of 8 and 10 students respectively. so small! and this school is so far out of the way of everything that the BOE has provided me with pre-paid taxi tickets to get to the school. i have to ride the city train or bus to the center of the city and then catch a taxi the rest of the way, then do vice versa to get back. D; the school wants me there from 1st ~ 4th period! BAH! that means that i need to get up earlier than usual to make the trip there and i wont be getting back home until past when i`m suppose to be off work. meh.

but anyway, i`ve been kind of beside myself trying to figure out a lesson plan for the 2nd years... the school has requested that i do "outdoor/gym games"... i have yet to be asked to do this kind of thing. plus there will only be 8 students! that rules out the possibility of doing many games because i would need more than 8 students to do them. on top of this, the students have never had an English class before, so they have absolutely no vocab for me to work with. which means i`ll more than likely conduct the majority of the class in Japanese. le sigh. i`ve searched the internet for game ideas and i now have more than enough to hopefully fill the lesson plan. i just have to figure out which i want to attempt and how i will explain the games in Japanese.

potential games:
- Red Light, Green Light
- Duck, Duck, Goose (to be renamed 'Cat, Cat, Dog')
- the Human Knot <- i fear the 2nd years will kill each other doing this... but they`d have fun doing so! xD
- a ball throwing-catching game inspired by this

hmmm.... i reallly reallly wanna try out the Human Knot, but i`m also afraid that someone may get hurt with it because 2nd years are BURSTING with too much energy... but they`re also creative and flexible so maybe it`d work! iono... should i take the risk? or should i play it safe and do the games i know should go fine? hmm...

i`m suppose to do colors and/or "English songs" with the 4th years... "English Songs"... urgh. urgh! it says on the sheet that the students have already learned colors.... but it doesnt say which colors they`ve learned. of course. so i don`t know what to prepare for that. *sigh* what songs to teach... it`s not like these kids have any English vocab either. any songs i teach they wont understand at all, unless i provide a translation. pronunciation will still be hard regardless. meh.

i guess i`ll work on piecing together my finalized lesson plans now as i need to get to bed earlier than usual tonight.

games, elementary school

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