
May 23, 2008 01:55

teaching the three classes of 2nd years at Ushioeminami E.S. today went alright.... one place was slow and the homeroom teacher didn`t keep the children in line like i wish she would have. the other two were fine. however, this ended up being my second time teaching these same kids. apparently i had taught them once before when they were 1st years.... it`s always a pain to show up in a class and have the kids suddenly shout out that they know you because then you`re like "oh. i`ve taught these kids before. crap, there goes 10 mins of my lesson plan because they may not need a self-introduction-- whattodowhattodowhattodo??" luckily these kids had forgotten enough about me that i was able to run through my self intro again, thus keeping my lesson plan from falling apart. i try to keep track of what classes i`ve taught at what school by writing about it here atleast briefly and tagging it so i can reference it later and not get caught off guard like this, but i didnt journal my previous entry well enough to have known about today`s classes ahead of time..... not going to let that happen again! thus this blurb that is of interest to no one. :P

this morning i made the random decision to try out the video function on my new Sony P&S because i have yet to touch it. i decided that i could test it by recording part of my bike ride to the E.S. this morning! bad idea? good idea? stupid idea? judge for yourself. as this was my first time biking while holding a recording camera, the video is extremely shakey as i didn`t really put much thought into how i held the camera.... i have now learned that resting the hand that is holding the camera on the bike handle while biking is a bad bad idea, but this didn`t occur to me until very late into the video. D; so yeah.... if you suffer from motion sickness you may not want to watch it lmao. it`s also 10mins long and rather boring. you have been warned.

while the video is shakey, the video and audio quality (before being uploaded to YouTube anyway) are pretty good. thanks to this, i`ve decided that i wanna make more videos of random Kochi places in the future and make a "series" out of it. this "series" will lamely be known as "kochi streets". :x お楽しみ! look forward to it! with hopefully less shake-age, of course. anyway, without further babbling (because i should be in bed), here`s the video with minor scene cuts in order to fit YouTube`s 10min limit.

edit: this video took freakin almost FOUR HOURS to upload WTFH?! how am i going to get up in the morning??? MFK! AND YOUTUBE MURDERED THE VIDEO QUALITY! WErawerawerfaSDA F YOU YOUTUBE I`M GOING TO BED.

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videos, biking, elementary school

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