
Mar 31, 2008 15:38

went to bed at around 12:30am last night and got up at 3:15pm. that`s the longest i`ve slept ever. D; i don`t even have enough time to do laundry and have it dried before the sun sets. :`[ i hope i can piece together enough outfits for work this week.

as is probably obvious, i made it back last night alright, although i almost didn`t. i BARELY made my plane to Kochi. :`[ it was SO stressful between Narita and Haneda airport because of how little time i had and how things were going. NEVER AGAIN do i want a 3-4 hour layover between Narita and Haneda-- it simply isn`t enough time. >_O even if i have to spend the day in one of the airports because i get there that early, it`s better than being uberly stressed. :`[

the flight from D.C. to Narita was wonderful. better than the flight from Narita to D.C.. ANA is absolutely the way to go when going to/coming from/flying in Japan and i recommend them to everyone as i haven`t had one problem with them every time i`ve flown them. the only reason i made it on the plane last night is because of a really nice ANA check-in lady who got me to the head of the baggage check-in line (which btw seems to be two seperate lines in Japanese airports). <33333 her. :`[[ but like i said, the flight itself was wonderful, the seats and movie selection were better than United`s (who i flew to D.C.), the food was better than United`s-- two pipping hot meals which ranged from curry and rice, baked cod w/ mashed potatoes and gravy. and baked zetti (United also had zetti, but ANA`s was better!)-- all of which had 2 other delicious sides to them plus dessert (Haagen Dazs ice cream and Pepperidge Farm milano cookies!!). :3 plus we got snacks like yummy otsumami, onigiri and sandwiches with endless drinks. SCREW YOU UNITED. D;

...sorry, it`s just i`ve flown more than enough times to feel the need to point out good airlines. :`x

the flight landed at Narita on time, but between the immigration line and the HORRIBLE traffic in Tokyo, i got off the bus at Haneda with just 25 mintues before the plane to Kochi left! if it weren`t for the check-in lady and uberfast walking, i would had been stranded in Tokyo last night with no where to stay. :`[[[

i slept so many hours, but my eyes still feel tired... D; and i`m not feeling the best right now so i don`t even feel like leaving the apartment, although i really really need to go to the grocery store... luckily i have enough dried foods here to live off of until i go to the store after work tomorrow. oh yeah, and all my meds and stuff made it back with me. yay.

traveling, tokyo

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