
Mar 28, 2008 21:02

gotta leave dad`s house at like 6 in the morning tomorrow to drive to D.C. for my 12:20pm flight. :[ must sleep as early as possible tonight.

i must say, though, that this trip to America, as brief as it was, was a nice breather... however, although i`m dreading the trip back, i am kind of looking forward to being back in Japan and back into my usual schedule.... crazy talk really, i can`t believe it myself, but i wouldn`t mind some steamed rice with noritama furikake on it, despite how often i eat that. D; i`ve gorged on American food the past few days and will naturally miss it again once i`m back in Japan and can`t have it anymore, but i like Japanese food too, so... and i miss my tiny apartment. :[ the flight back will be a long one, though..... 14 hours to Narita, then a layover/bus ride and another 1hr flight, followed by another bus ride. :[

when i first got here i did have to go through a bit of cultural readjusting. every little thing that would have never been attention-catching to me before is now. :x i still unintentionally say はい sometimes, but i don`t unintentionally say すみません anymore. D; when i first got here i noticed some things about my use of English too. it`s been nice to speak "natural" English because in Japan almost all of my English has to go through a simplifying filter... D; but now it`s back to simplified English whooo...

once i get to Narita i have just over 3 hours to get on my plane to Kochi at Haneda..... i`m REALLY REALLY going to be running like mad-- i so hope i don`t miss my flight! >_< i CANT miss my flight, but 3 hours is REALLY REALLY pushing it... i couldnt get any other flight...... i have to go through immigrations at Narita and i REALLY REALLY hope it goes fast-- dear god go fast. then i have almost a 2hour bus ride... >_< the flight to Haneda to Kochi is the LAST flight of the day-- if i miss it i will be stranded in Tokyo for the night and since the airports close in Japan.... lets not imagine that. :`[[ i WILL make my flight gahhhhhhh~

my one piece of luggage is jampacked to the brim and heavy as hell... after 24 hours of travel, i`ll have to wheel it a few blocks and then somehow haul it`s heavy mass up 2 flights of stairs to my apartment. i`ll be oh so so happy to pass out in my futon immediately afterwards, so don`t expect an update until like..... monday Japan time. D; i took monday off work so i could sleep the day away lol.

traveling, back in america

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