Jun 16, 2012 17:21
Purging. Filing. Trying to remember what can come OUT of the filing cabinet and be purged. The recycle bin is going to be very heavy this week.
Trying to remember that I was once a REFORMED pack rat. I had it together once upon a time*.
The room smells of failure. It's the place I attempted and failed to job-hunt, post Masters' Degree. I was rather depressed that year.
It is also a place I used to exercise. It used to feel like a lovely, happy place. It was tidy, and pretty. It was a retreat for me.
It did not used to be a dumping ground, at least not to this degree. But since I was promoted to manage the office of a person who simply doesn't believe in any filing, I have too overwhelmed by the papers at work to manage the papers at home. Even though I have known that they needed managing.
Being married to a seriously unreformed pack rat has not helped.
I have a plan:
A file cabinet will come downstairs and live by the front door, so that the mail can be put away right away. I will purge here regularly.
In the third floor front room.
The carpet the cat has been pooping on will be discarded. Possibly even replaced, or the floor redone.
The broken door frame will be fixed to keep the cat out.
Paint would be lovely, and rejuvenating. The walls are currently an unobtrusive dusty-rose beige. Pink would be pretty, but perhaps yellow would make more sense if this might become Sparkles' room.
Existing Ikea bookcases will line the outer wall. They will have doors (if possible) to cut back on the dust that books accumulate. Pegs will be acquired for the extra shelves. The books will be reorganized. The bookcases will be fastened to the walls.
The desk(s) will be suitably reorganized.
Excess furniture will be removed to make way for a bed and dresser. The dresser will be kept empty as befits a guest room.
The excess computer will go into storage.
The papers and other excess junk will all GO AWAY.
I am not yet thinking about the grand closet cleanout that must someday happen. First things first.
Dinner prep must happen nowish. Perhaps I can do some more filing after the kidlet is asleep.
* In my old apartment. When I lived alone. And was in therapy.