Apr 23, 2005 00:16
Hey hey tha one 'n only LG is hurr! Just wanted to update real quick like before I goto bed. I got soo very pissed off at work today. This dude matt is just training to be crew chief and I've been a crew chief for 2yrs and today he was all acting like he was my boss 'n shit and he's just not! Then on top of that he wanted to talk shit about me I got to give him mad props tho he said it to my face instead of behind my back. Then Autumn this bitch I trained to be crew chief got promoted over me is like constantly talking about me behind my back and I know it's her 'cause it always comes back to me! But anyway she was talking about how if ppl wouldn't talk about ppl behind thier backs we wouldn't have so much drama but she's always the first to talk gossip around anyone and I'm hoping Johnny Foster FIRES her soon. There is talk around the store about someone else getting promoted to manager and I gave my friend a look and was all like well it's not going to be me, and he's like why not ur technically next to be promoted and I should've been promoted to manager before Autumn was but u know what we all come up with that u got to suck the district manager's **** to get a good word in to be promoted so F*CK THAT. I talked to someone I used to work with and he told me to get a job at Applebees startin out at $7.00 which is a whole dollar more then I make now, I think I might take that as a second job and then I'll have more money to spend wooohoooooo! lol But anyway back to Matt, he's also friends with my best friend Sean and I said something bad about matt and sean stuck up for him over me and me 'n sean have been friends longer so it really hurt my feel bads and I was tellin John that I was gunna end up tellin him off and Coleen overheard me and she was like Can't u get along with anyone? Which pissed me off so I punched the metal cabinet that has our headsets in them and Sean was all like what's wrong with you and I flipped out on him I was like "Why would I tell u, U just stick up for him anyway!" So yeah I had a horrible day. I hate McDonalds and I think I am going to go put my application in at Applebee's and see what goes on with that. Well Holla at CHA gurl! Love ~*~Niffz~*~