Jan 29, 2007 21:16
The last 24 hours can be summed up as such. Trying not to get killed going to JFK, waiting around JFK, getting delayed due to anti-freezing the wings, watching a ridiculous amount of movies and getting no sleep(but making a great friend and laughing the whole 7 hours), being greeted by an insane amount of brits(Cheerio Love!), getting on a bus after a two hour wait to be completed freaked out by an insane cockney speaking driver, ::takes a breath::, getting the larger than normal corner room, attempting grocery shopping in 30 minutes with 21 americans led by 1 brit, coming back to unpack, free dinner from college(woot woot), getting to know my fellow students, and finally setting up the internet for my neighbors.
Its been a long day and there are many many more details to be added (like taking pictures in my first London Drizzle!)BUT after i get some rest
Goodnight all!