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Jan 30, 2007 09:06

Everytime i go to Florida i'm always amazed at how people can run around with long sleeves and pants. Its kind of reversed now because its about 48 degrees here today and all the brits have on long sleeves, sweatshirts, scarves, hats gloves and all the americans from northern states are wearing t-shirts and carrying our coats. I want to wear my flip flops thats how nice it is!(don't worry i won't!) So this morning at orientation we went to this building that looks like an old english farm house but we walk in and there are two classrooms with power point stuff and very lecture style seating. The presentations were so boring and we were just feeding too much info at once and it also hot because the brits were freezing to death. So now on my two hour break before having to figure out my class(module)schedule, i'm trying to figure out what the hell they said to do earlier.

I'll post pictures but i have to say i love this campus. When your on the busy street with shops and buses and general chaos you turn down this road and all of a sudden your in the English countryside, gorgeous trees and fields and you go in for about a mile and there are all these little english style cottages that i later find to have like two to four classrooms in each one my residents hall is across the street from a field like area with a couple of huge trees that his this old gorgeous mansion on it that i believe they've turned into the library. to get to all the other classrooms and such you have to go on these little pathways with hedges on the side and its like going through a garden. I couldn't be in a better place because it feels like a dream to be in the english country side with all these gorgeous things, plus it feels like home because of all the fields and trees, and i think one of the best things is that there is a Middlesex bus that comes ever 15 minutes and takes people on campus to the main road where there are tons of shops and pubs to begin with but also an underground station so i can get to central london in about 20 minutes!

Yesterday the food that they gave us for dinner wasn't bad at all and we were all going "where's the bad food?", but as hypothesized last night it came this afternoon at lunch. Our free lunch came with vegetables killed in this gross sauce that you knew was bad because of the smell. rice cooked in the bad sauce and it was the vegies or this beef mash and onions. After a bite or two a couple of girls and i decided to skip the freeby lunch and have some pb and j in my room. Then about 20 minutes ago i went to get more passport photos at the little booth in the union and the machine broke on me while i was sitting there, i took that as i sign i should go back to my room and take a nap. Instead i'm writing here cause the funny thing is i don't really feel jet lagged at all. yesterday there were times i thought i was going to fall asleep in the middle of something but i stayed up till 9:20 and slept 12 hours till breakfast this morning (which was borderline)
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