So, I promised you a proper post. This isn't it. This is me after having an excellent evening at Fiona's birthday at Homer Place, having drunk a bottle of wine (yay cheap wine! Actually, it was rather nice, clearly my tastebuds have no class :p) have danced a bit, and mingled with people, bummed a smoke, got a lift home from
marsden_online (thank you! :D)
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You are really good at just being you. You should keep doing it.
And, maybe its a sign that BOTH our brains are broken, but I don't give a fiddler's fuck about earthquakes either. Since Feb I've only cried for two seconds about it, and that's when Cilla came home. So. Earthquakes can go fuck themselves. It's not like we're can do anything about them anyway, so why get all angst-ridden?
And BTW, I think LOTS of people would like being them as a full time job. That's why slaves, retirement, and robots exist and so many people fight for things like more wages and shorter hours. You're just lucky that you are allowed to do this, although on such a small budget that most people would quickly realise that working suits them fine. Keep posting - you make me happy. That is your worth.
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