May 12, 2008 21:30
hm...a short something i wrote...and i am still second-guessing myself about posting. opinions? suggestions? concrit?
a prior disconnect
pick up the phone
to dial a foreign number
and speak to a vaguely
familiar, disembodied voice
though it is I
who dialed the foreign number
it is I
who is unrecogniseable
so we put on
our best show for each other
fumbling for words
and laughing off the awkwardness
over old times and catching up
on the new;
click - the connection dies too soon
too many thoughts
swirl, laced with distant memory
and a vague familiarity
tainted with a sweet nostalgia
heart still racing
tongue still clumsy
it suddenly occurs to me
how relieved I am
to have faced an open door.
the more i read it over, the less i like it. so i can't really say anything at this point.
이 어선픈 언어로 내가 시를 쓸수 있을까? 내 월래 언어로도 재데로 못쓰는데…
But listening to Epik High makes me want to write.
문틈에서 기다릴께
시간의 파도를 타고
움변의 흐름을 타도
그토록 찾던 빨간실은 없다.
그 잡히지 않는 인간의 정은…
한쪽 뿐인 닫친 문.