Jun 09, 2006 08:16
Yesterday my brother and I spent 5 1/2 hours moving every piece of furniture out of our living room, pulling up the carpet, and scraping off the glue from the bare concrete floor. We worked so hard; my back hurts just thinking about it. My family plans on replacing the carpet with wood flooring. I was surprised at how fast we finished taking off the carpet. I was expecting to do about 7 hours of work, but luckily my brother and I were both drugged up (with ADD medication) and we worked like 'well-oiled' machines. Today's task is installing the wood panels. I have no earthly idea how we are expected to do it, but I think we'll figure it out.
Other news (on a completely different subject): I got my brand new checks and check card yesterday! I am so excited, I am officially a grown up. Not only that, but I wrote my first check today! To pay my first Huqúqu'lláh! I am on a roll...adulthood is going to be a breeze.