First of all, I'm sorry but even after many tries I CAN'T USE LJ USER LINK AND I'M FREAKKING OUT.
Link to the person who tagged you (it's down there because LJ User link went down and I'm not get upset because of this *throws laptop out of the window*)
Post the rules on your blog.
Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
1 - I have to wash my hair daily or I won't get out.
2- I have some kind of complex with my toes fingers, so in Summer I'm always checking if people's toes fingers are uglier than mine (weird, hein?)
3- I have a specific pen to do my exams.
4- My clothes are colourful, I don't like to dress only in black,I got depressed.
5- I can't be only doing one only thing, For example, if I'm writing I need to be also or listening to music or watching tv. My friends and my family don't understand how I can do 2 or 3 things at the same time LOL.
6- At night, before sleep, I usually read, but I always have something else on, be it the radio or tv.
Thanks everybody who tried to help. It doesn't work by the way you told me, but now it seems to be working with the icon, but I have to have everything already written.
Person who tagged me:
xscylon I tag:
all_fics ,
scullymouse and