So Long Ago, Up Until Now

Jan 27, 2011 22:23

It has been so long since I have updated this thing. I actually don't remember the posts that are proof of my existence and experience with this site. I laughed to myself thinking, "I didn't know I could write like this. Where did my talent go?".

To cut to the chase, I'm returning to my journal to document my real-life journal. I have only two entries, considering I just got the journal for Christmas. But here goes:

Inspiration. Where does it come from? Where can I get some? Muses. Do they exist? How do I find one?

People. People can be inspiring. Places. Words or songs that were the result of inspiration can be a form of inspiration. Can death be inspiring? Is inspiration divine?

What does one do with inspiration? After finding it, what lengths would one go to in order to maintain it?

The results can be various and voluminous. Someone can be inspired to change the world. Song and dance. Poems and books. Teaching. Inspiration. A simple word. Many meanings. What am I inspired by? Not sure. I only ever act on inspiration once in a blue moon. I feel I am inspired on a daily basis but never do anything with it.

I think true inspiration is the instinct to achieve the unachievable, recognize it, and have the guts to act on it. [1/19/11]

A second journal entry (all journal entries will become separate posts):

Loneliness. What is the meaning of being lonely? Am  l lonely? I feel lonely, but is my perception wrong?

Loneliness is the feeling of not belonging. Not having someone to talk to about how/what you feel. Loneliness is an illness but can be easily remedied.

Why do I feel so lonely? I'm not alone. I have people I can talk to. I have many people I can talk to...or at least  think I do. I think I am so unsure of myself and who I am that I need multiple people's perspectives. Is this true? I'm not sure. I can believe it to be true but that doesn't make it true.

I think loneliness can be cured by friendship. Not only friendship but a connection between two people that is unique unto them. Loneliness isn't an excuse, it is a sickness that consumes and spreads easily. I think a person is lonely only because they allow themselves to be lonely. There will always be someone who understands.

There you have it folks. Random ramblings. Peace out.
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