Meme Responses

Jun 06, 2008 13:18

Now that I have the interwebz again (at least at work, won't at home... stupid comcast)

From NarniaRose

1. Would you please describe your life thus far in 50 words or less?

Elementary school - just one of the boys. Middle & High school - science and math nerd. College - classes & research. Grad school - research, research, research, and discovered the SCA. Post grad school - SCA & triatlon training.  Through out all a love of dancing and a concern for the environment.

2. What is it about dance that so draws you?

I'm not real sure but I enjoy having a great control over my body to express my mental state.  There is a real calm to creating fluid, graceful movements and an energy that resonates with music.

3. Are you married/kids/pets?

No/no/sorta...  My flatmate has two cats that live with us and will continue to live with me for a bit after she moves out.

4. What do you do in the mundane world?

I'm a systems analyst for an EPA contracting company.

5. Where would you be right now if money were no object?

At home, making renovations to my apartment to make it more energy effecient and environmentally friendly.  New windows, a garden box, investigating solar power.  Traveling is great and all, but since I'm at an EPA conference right now it is really making me dream about all I want to do to help the environment.  (Responses written while at conference... now back in VA)

From Splagxna

1. what do you do professionally and how did you get there?

Repeating from above... I'm a systems analyst for an EPA contracting company.  I did a number of internships programming computers since I was getting a computer science degree.  When I went on to grad school I moved away from programming into system requirements.

2. do you know your myers briggs type? how well do you feel it fits you? (if no, and you feel you have time, there is a good test here and some good descriptions here.

I just took it today, evidently INTJ right now. I know I took a much longer one senior year in HS and I think it would be interesting if I could find it to see if it changed.

3. do you have any siblings? tell me about them/how you get along.

Brother who is two years older.  Computer engineer by trade and ballroom dancing for fun.  We have a lot of shared interests so get along rather well.
Younger sister has one more year left in getting her undergraduate degree in dance.  She & I chat over IM a fair bit.
(Note, my parents don't dance... not sure where we all got it)

4. what is your favorite drink (alcoholic or otherwise)?

If the icon doesn't make it evident... coffee... mmmm...  Within that, Mocha or regular with half & half and sugar.

5. if i could know only one thing about you, what would you want me to know?

Wow... hardest question yet.  It can take me a while to warm up to new folks but once I do I feel that I communicate a lot better with them.


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