Jun 03, 2008 22:18
1) What was your favorite dream that you can remember.
I honestly can't remember a specific dream. However, I can remember the feeling it left me with. I felt warm and cuddly, and just intrinsically happy. I woke up feeling like that and then going straight back to happy sleep.
2) Favorite thing about yourself.
That I am happy with my life as a whole. Are there things I would've changed in the past, sure. Have I made mistakes, oh definitely. Yet overall, I have no major regrets.
3) One thing you would save from a fire.
I would save my external hard-drive. The laptop can be replaced and if I didn't back it up recently then I might lose some info, but the hard drive has all the fun old files.
4) If you could go back in time and kill one person, who would it be?
I don't think I would kill anyone. There have been evil people who have done bad things, but typically as a result of those bad things the people have eventually rose up and made changes for the better. There are cultural changes I wish were in place right now, but I don't think there is a single person in the past that would've prevented this through their death.
5) What was your happiest day ever?
I'm not a big one for those 'milestone events' such as graduations so those are right out. I'd say it was some simple day when it had been a hard week and all I wanted was much needed rest and that is what I got. Simple joys.