Fruit cocktail is one of the easiest canning recipes, though a bit time consuming. The best part about making your own is that you can control exactly what goes into the final product from fruit to the liquid it is contained in. Today, I made a fairly traditional fruit cocktail in heavy syrup (upon my husband's request) with only a slight tweak. The following recipe is that I used, you can switch out fruit any way you like.
2 Ruby Red Apples
6 Barlet pears
2 Peaches
3 Nectarines
Grapes (less than a whole bag)
1 Jar Maraschino Cherries
7 cups water
4 cups Sugar
4 Tbs Lemon juice
1 Pint water
Mix 1 quart of water with 4 tbs lemon juice. Peel apples, pears, nectaries and peaches, dipping them in the lemon water mixture to prevent browning. Pack them into the jars along with the rest of the fruit. Bring 7 cups of water to a boil, add sugar and bring back to a boil. Fill the jars with the sugar syrup. Use a knife to release air bubbles and can as normal for processing for 25 minutes.