So, I sketched a little the other night, at about 2 in the morning, when I was feeling particularly bored. These sketches aren't the greatest, nor are they pretty, or whatever, but I'm rather proud of them.
I'm kinda embarrassed posting this up, but whatever man, you can mock them with me. :D
Just so you know, I did them without looking at any other references or anything, so they suck a lot.
My darling, darling Peiling Shan.
When I first drew this fella, I had Jake in mind, but it turned out to be someone completely different. And then he started to become Daniel.
This is Aaron, he looks twelve. And if you can't see what I've written at the sides, somewhere at the bottom, I've written, "I look like a clown, I act like one. But I hate clowns. End." The left side says, "Aaron! What's that behind you?" And in the speech bubble its, "Nothing important."
Supposed to be an older failed version of Aaron. You can actually see the marks of the drawing at the other side of the page.
Chibi Alex, Nicky's brother and Nicky! She looks kinda weird though. Lol. "What?! Alex is prettier than I am? You're shitting me."
Have no idea who this is.
"Like, is this Jake?!" o__o "Looks like emo, girly, Sasu! NUUUUU! Or Hibari! Guh."
And at the bottom, there's another drawing, and I've written, "I am retarded version of old man + Aaron. Ooooh! I could be Aaron's daddykins?"
Random fella.
"Too far apart eyes! This is what happens when you draw sideways at 2.03 am! OMG Cacat leh!" (Cacat is Malay for Retarded, or something like that.)
This is the sketch that sparked the inspiration to do the others. Meet Ashley, or chibified version of her wearing headphones.
Various attempts of Ashley. She still doesn't turn out right.
"This is something like the Jake in my mind." Only without the thicker lips, and funny eyes. It looked better before I started to re-sketch and darken the lines. Then the lips and eyes and hair went out of shape.
Ryan looks funny. Supposed to be like an average looking guy, but turned out, err, evil looking?
"Razhelas --> With a scar like Takeshi!"
"Pretending to be your average guy."
And just so you know, the scar wasn't supposed to be there, my pen just slipped, and it happened to form that shape.
There you have it, some of my wonderful characters. :D
P/S: If you'd rather not click on each picture to enlarge it, you can always click
here instead. It's the same post, just with bigger pictures.