I know I haven't kept up with the days, but like I've said before, I've been distracted. The whereabouts has been
revealed though, and it's the reason why I'm so distressed, disappointed, annoyed, and feeling pretty fucked up right now.
I wanted to do some exercise for my characters today, but my emotions are so stormy right now, I can't, for the life of me, think of anything besides angst thoughts. I did, though, write quite a bit yesterday. It didn't reach to the thousands, but it made me happy. Yesterday, that is.
I've realized that I like really prosy words though. I can't help but add some purple prose into whatever I'm writing, and I hate that.
Example: The only thing that she could do was to run, every so often, her hands would shake, not out of fear, but there was some memory of her doing something with them. There was a memory of fire of ice of wind of water running through her fingers, filling her with power, and then there was nothing.
And that is all for today. I just made my Mum mad with all my emo-ness and I'm just going to go make some pancakes right now. Happy pancakes to make me happy. I hope. Doesn't matter if it's actually nine at night.