
Dec 24, 2005 02:31

tonight was a gooooddd night

went with Spence, and Kel and Le, and others to a party for some people tonight. We dressed in nasssstttyyy C-mas sweaters. Leah and i had on tights and sweaters and red shoes, and earrings. the worst part was the bells attached to our clothes, oh and the hats. santa hat and bennie.
It was funny cause Le and I went to Borders before and passed by women that were wearing what we were, but they were serious...so pretty much we were making fun of them. Just like at the party we went to. We did NOT belong there. Everyone was so much older, we were fetus' compared to them. So fun though cause us 3 just went into this room and danced, so it wasn't so awkward. I love them.

I love Spence's family.

Kel and Spence's grandpa died. It was really sad. They were both sad. He died on Saturday. There's a memorial for him on Wed. but I wont' be able to go cause I'll be leaving that day. I wish I could go to support them. I would hate to go and see them cry though. I feel sorry for them, they really loved him.

I love how we all dressed up, even though everyone else at the house was wearing formal attire.

Went to watch mud football beforehand. I was soooo happy to see all of those guys. I was really happy mostly to see Alec and Peter. Peter I saw and raaannn to him and gave him the biggest hug. I missed him so much. I don't know why I missed him so much. He's the one I haven't seen in the longest I think. that's probally why.

I went to IHOP with Gibson and Mike Heylen last night? last night? whenever...
I love them soooo much.

We were listening to the gangster music in the car. cause, well...they are gangsters of course.
Kel made me a farewell mix. I really really like it. it has good dance songs on it.

somebody wanted to hang out tonight, and I told him I couldn't. I'm proud of myself for not hanging out with him. besides, he'd want to kiss me...and i ain't down wit dat.

we went to SacTo today. I tried to look for a Junior Prom dress, but didn't find any goods. I love going there. it's a fun place to be. It was nice weather today too.

the sky tonight, like the night sky was amazing. a-maz-ing.

it's weird to come back here and like....not be here to STAY. like I'm visiting my hometown. and i'm leaving to go back to people that I hardly know.
I wish I could just stay here.
When next Wed. rolls around i don't want to leave

Clem boys are a no show. Lame. Lame. Lame. I'm pretty sad about that. I was hoping they could come over for a BBQ again. but have it be an actual good one this time. and start a dance party. nope, can't happen now. sucks. Ty-babe wouldn't of even been able to come anyways cause of work i found out. but STILL the other guys are fun. It would've been sad though to see Ty's friends, and not Ty. i would've wanted him to come.

Mark had an intense talk with me about church.
He's just confused.
As am I.
But he has really been good. He went to church ever since I've been in Utah, and this girl from work mentioned how he was at some stake fireside thing. I think deep down inside he wants to go on a miss, but just doesn't think he can DO it. Be ready for it. you have to be like a super-mormon now to go on miss. like, one mistake and you can't. he could...but I don't know how old you have to be to turn in your paps. I don't think he likes to talk to people about what he's feeling about chruch though. even me. plus I think he wants to persue CA, like I do.

I need to work on getting CASH.

I'm glad Mark and I decided to just be friends.
There's WAAYYYY to many guys out there that I want to meet to be "tied down". even though Mark is a really nice guy. I like hanging out with him. he makes me really really happy still.

leah and i met this guy named jeff who is the COOLEST guy EVER. ever.ever.ever. he reeeaaallly is. he has our sense of humor, but he's even better. he's 18
I can see Jeff being my new Spencer. well not to replace him, but just saying that I could see Jeff and I becoming good friends. really good friends

he has a friend named Ryan who is sooo rich. He lives in the really dank gated community. we went to his house a few times and ate all his crazyyyyyyy delis food. His mom is crazy. she is WAY too nice. she fed us so much, and offered us like....tons of candy. She keeps everything really really clean too. Too clean. it's creepy. but whatever, she feeds us. haha
too bad Ryan isn't cute. actually he is the ENTIRE opposite. he is....not?

I can't believe that C-mas is TOMORROW!!!!!!!

I still haven't gotten presents. but I dont have $$. I'm waiting for buy presents for after. I feel bad cause everyone will give me things, and I have nothing to give them. I don't want to borrow money from the pops though, cause he needs the money to but presents for the fam. I can wait to give my presents.

I keep wondering what I'm gonna do for New Years. I wonder if there's a big church dance like there is here. I'll have to ask around. Or a dance party. If I was in my new house I would throw a KILLER dance party. sucks.
who cares about N.Ys, I should be focusing on Christmas.
Im out it's time for bed.
it's Christmas EVE!!
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