Mar 25, 2006 11:06
Okay, I think I may have gotten myself in trouble with Jamie. Last night, Janice called me and they were having a benefit dinner at Bolton Bar for Tonia and Bob, so we went up there to play pool and have some drinks. Well... Randy Wyman was up there. He is majorly attracted to me, which would be awesome if I really liked him cause he is more my age than Jamie, he is 24 and Jamie is 32. Well, I really didn't talk to him much, just asked about his snowmobile accident and then went and played pool. I could notice out of the corner of my eye that he was pretty much staring at me the whole night. Well, me and Janice played a couple games of sucky pool and then went to the other side of the bar to sit down. I went to get her another pop and a beer for me, and I decided I may go talk to Randy for a bit since he was staring me down, I am a little attracted to him anyway. So I started talking to him and he started hitting on me hardcore, I had about 4 beers in me by then, so I had a good buzz but I wasn't close to being drunk. Little did I know, Jamie was there! I did't see him at all, he didn't come up to me until later, so this is great I'm flirting with another guy right in front of him, how much more of a bitch could I have been!? It gets worse, I gave Randy my number right in front of Jamie, he was standing right behind me!!!!! Jamie didn't seem very mad at me, he was really talkative and acted like himself, unless he was hiding it, men are good at that. I shouldn't really feel bad though because Jamie has never said what he wants, if he wants to be friends or more than friends. Right now, I consider us friends because he hasn't really done anything to show me more, yeah we have kissed but I don't know. I'm going to hang out with Randy, why shouldn't I?! I'm going to go over Jamie's today and see if he is mad at me, I don't want him to be, and then I'm going to ask him where we stand, friends or more. I just gotta do it!!!!!