Dec 23, 2009 16:22
Went back to the doctors today. Found out my ma' and I are doing physical therapy. We may even get referred to go to spas to get massages too. How nice does that sound?! I'm loving the idea! After the doctors I treated my ma' to lunch at the 5th Street Deli. We had soup and sandwiches. Delicious too I might add!
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve! WOW! Then it's Christmas in two days. That's so weird to even think about! I just can't believe that December is coming to an end. Weird. Oh my goodness, then it's January and it's 2010. Next month it's Nicholas 22nd birthday and it's our 3 year anniversary. I can't believe it's been 3 years already. Well, glad he's stuck around. He's my best friend!!
Tomorrow my brother and I have to go get one more gift for our mother. Haha, of course we're out buying gifts on Christmas Eve.
Sooooo what to do for New Years?!?! I still have no plans. I need to figure out something. I want to do something fun and big this year. I'd like to get dressed up and go all out. Maybe I'll go visit a Christine and the girls in Spokane?? Or maybe a friend in Seattle?? Hmmm, I just don't know. I'm such a girlllllllllll, haha.
Oh, and on a sad note, Megan is leaving me tomorrow. She catches her flight to Seattle from Yakima tomorrow morning at 6:00am. She's moving back to Kentucky. Tonight is her last night here. Tomorrow night she'll be back home in Lexington. Sad sad day!!! Well, going to hangout with her and Liz tonight, maybe Hayley too.
Well, I guess that's all to really update for now. Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years! <3