Jul 13, 2006 21:46
I didn't get a quote of the day today in my email and that has made me a little sad inside. I apparently really look forward to those everyday. I'm going on day 6 of working and it feels good to be busy although my tan is lacking big time. I'm actually reading a book over watching Friends for a change today, it's pretty good, I actually really like the writing style (ya I'm a dork, it's ok, I've accepted it). Oh ya and project runway is on again...big time excitement right there, seeing the previews for next week makes me really excited because I want to know what happened that's all "against the rules" and stuff. Idk I'm gonna go finish this book and pass out like an old lady...<3 nicole
here's a quote from the book, it's actually in my profile because it in a way pertains to me right now...
"Bad stuff does happen sometimes Nicholas.
Always remember that, but remember that you
have to move on, somehow.
You just pick your head up and stare at some-
thing beautiful like the sky or the ocean, and you
move the hell on."