Breaking radio silence for this important message

Sep 21, 2012 20:21

Who else is watching The Bletchley Circle? Someone I follow on Tumblr (I think it was cobweb_diamond, actually) mentioned this amazing ITV show about, well, here's the Wikipedia description:

"The Bletchley Circle is a 2012 television mystery drama series set in 1952 about four fictional women, Susan, Millie, Lucy, and Jean who have returned to their normal lives after producing crucial intelligence at the top security HQ Bletchley Park which helped the Allies to victory and shortened the second world war. With an extraordinary flair for code-breaking and razor-sharp intelligence skills the women are focused on solving murders."

They're smart and they crack codes and solve murders!!! Sorry for the excess of exclamation points, but considering the dearth of smart women on TV and in movies, having four of them in one show definitely warrants my excitement. I've only watched the first episode so far (three have aired), but I'm planning on catching up this weekend and would love to talk about it with anyone else who's watching. And if you aren't, maybe consider picking it up? I mean, look at these fierce ladies.

ETA: Wait, I think the internet is telling me that there are only three episodes *total*. Nooooooooooooooooooooooo.

squee, the bletchley circle

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