BLW accessories

Jun 16, 2009 09:09

Just thinking about the things I actually need to make this work and am feeling rather pleased because I can manage without the usual blenders and liquifiers that AK weaned babys must have.  I actually have two highchairs now.  Both more costly than I expected but no doubt I will get the use out of them.  The first is to stay in our dining room.  I chose one that can be used from birth so H can sit with us to get used to meal times before he actually eats.  It lies back flat but I've just been tilting it back slightly and putting the toy up so he can play while we eat.  It turns into a low chair too although I doubt I will use that unless maybe we eat in the living room...which I would really prefer not to get into the habit of doing due to the white rug in there! 

I also have bought a travel high chair.  This is because I am at my mums nearly every day and usually eat lunch there.  My poor mum's youngest is 3 and she would prefer the baby furniture to be a thing of the past so at least with the travel high chair it folds down and can be bagged and stored in an unused room.  It will also be brilliant for if we go to the Wales house, which is quite possible and if I am going to a friends house for lunch and know they won't have a high chair.  I have considered sitting H on my knee while he eats as suggested in the book but to allow myself to relax as much as possible while he is eating, I am hoping to eat my meals at the same time as him which won't really be possible if he's on my lap.

Of course the tray is much smaller on the travel one - I expected this.  I prefer this to a booster seat which you have to attatch to a chair.  My mum has a nice little one that Alex and Ashley both used but the tray is broken and for blw...I felt a tray was essential!

Our steamer was thrown away a few weeks ago.  It was beyond cleaning.  I hate washing up and usually leave it to daddy...who sometimes forgets to do it.  We really do need a steamer as I know that most of the nutrients are kept during steaming.  Actually I would prefer H ate most of his vegetables raw...yes that is how lazy I am!  But for the first few months cooking softens them so he'll actually be able to eat them.  We also don't have a microwave.  Dear me we have no luck with them and have seen two blow up in the past few months.  So that is something I will push for before blw starts.  It's also such a useful thing when cooking tea for the family!

Other than that I can't think of accessories needed for blw.  I read the book.  I bought a splash mat for under the high chair, a really large bib and a little bowl.  I have a lot of baby spoons but I will probably not use them much at first.  I also bought a little beaker so I can start giving H water, not that he'll need it while I am still breastfeeding but it can't harm for him to get used to drinking out of a cup.  I have bottles as well but I'd rather not use them after he is six months. 

accessories, blw

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