Capricorn Eats

Jun 11, 2009 13:44

It's all gone so fast...the nine months carrying him and now the five months and a week since he came.  Far too fast.  In truth I'd love to simply breast feed him forever but that seems a little silly knowing his six month old friends are all tucking into delicious meals.  So, in three weeks time, Harvey will get his first taste of solid food.  After a lot of thought and research, daddy and I have decided to baby led wean him.  It's quite simple really.  We don't puree his food into an unrecognisable blob.  We don't spoon the stuff into his mouth.  We simply choose appropriate foods that he will be able to grasp and put them in front of him.  It's going to be up to him what he eats.  I'm nervous because up until very recently I knew noone who had actually done weaning this way.  My mum and sister both fed their babies the purees from 3 and a half months, sometimes earlier.  But Harvey is going to be six months which is an age finger foods are normally introduced anyway.  The only difference will be that he will only eat finger foods.  I have decided that to do weaning this way, I absolutely can't mind about mess.  I have already resigned myself to the fact that me, baby, daddy, the highchair and the dining room are going to get extremely messy!

The important thing in this weaning process is that Harvey can have as much milk as he likes - I will still be breast feeding on demand.  Until the age of one, food is just for fun.  He gets all his nutrition from the milk and that is what he has if hungry.  But playing with the food will teach him essential skills for the future and you never know...some of it might even go in his mouth!

As you can see there's nothing wrong with Harvey's weight.  He has a good appitite and loves his mummys milk.  I can't wait to show him all the tasty foods out there and teach him what good food really is!  There's still a couple of things I would like before I can begin.  I still need a travel chair with a tray for eating at other people's houses.  I feel we need a microwave and steamer as well to make my life easier. 

harvey eating

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