Get ready for the most bloggy thing I've ever posted on lj.
Part one - crossovers
So recently, I've been charmed to the nth degree by crossovers. After writing my insane Harry Potter/Community crossover
fic, I casually looked around the internet and found GOLD my friends. Seriously, if you haven't got into crossovers, you are missing SO MUCH amazingness. I want to marry crossovers. They are LEGEN-waitforitbutnotfortoolongbecauseitstooawesometoholdin-DARY!
So I have literally seen the second X-Men movie about 30 times (and I'm not a masochist, so I obviously LOVE it), and I love Harry Potter more than words can express. And guess what? My brain can explode in happiness and fandom overload because there is an amazing X-Men/Harry Potter crossover
I've also discovered this awesomely amazing (apparently I'm unable to express excitement through different adjectives...) faction of One Tree Hill/Sons of Anarchy (WHAT! YOU HAVEN'T SEEN SONS OF ANARCHY?!?!? GO WATCH IT
NOW...please :D) vids. There's an amazing
Brooke/Jax vid, and a
Haley/Jax one that looks really real. And the most wonderful thing about crossovers? I don't have to be crazy and staunchly shippery because it's not real (...well, less not real haha). So basically? I LOVE THESE VIDS EQUALLY. A LOT (if you couldn't tell by my overuse of the caps-lock button).
So seriously, if you know of some amazing crossover fic that I MUST read, please let me know. I NEED MORE.
Part two - holy frak!
That Vampire Diaries episode was CRAZY.
Too many thoughts.
#1: Evil!Alaric = SEXY Alaric. Seriously, he was totally hot in that last scene right?!
Dear Jenna,
I like you (really, I even wrote you a
story!). I didn't for a while because you were human and stupid. Well, unknowledgeable. Which is kind of the same thing...but I forgave you because it wasn't really your fault that you didn't know anything. Your boyfriend, friends, neice, nephew, niece/nephew's friends, even that guy you were helping research Mystic Falls - they are all lying to you. They ALL know something HUGE that you don't know. So yeah, when you "find out" that it's that Isobel is alive, you're allowed to freak out. You know what you're not allowed to do? Abandon said niece and nephew (who are underage btw). NOT COOL.
Also, I hope you don't die. Oh, and stop inviting random people into your house. It was fine that one time with Elijah, cause he's awesome, but NO MORE.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Notavampire
#3: My thoughts (and words, now that I think about it) during Isobel's suicide: SERIOUSLY, ELENA IS GOING TO NEED SOOO MUCH THERAPY!
#4: A bucket of soap = WORST HIDING SPOT EVER.
#5: I love Katherine, and I really hope she doesn't die. Seriously...please DO NOT KILL HER. She's too awesome to die.
#6: Bonnie has to die to save everyone. Can I just say, Bonnie has become 100% more tolerable this season. Just the fact that she's willing to try this spell even though she knows it might kill her is basically a complete 180 on how she was acting last year. So, hopefully she won't actually die - and if you still don't like Bonnie, and therefore want her to die, I'd beg you to reconsider. If she dies, that's the third girl in a row who's dated Jeremy and then died. THERAPY.
So I've mentioned I don't want Jenna or Katherine to die. I also don't want most of the rest of the cast to die, so it would be quicker to list the people I wouldn't miss as much.
- Matt. I've never found his character interesting in the least. I didn't care about him last year, didn't care about him this year - and SUPER don't care about him now that he's ruining the awesome Tyler/Caroline ship, and totally selling Caroline out. So please, PTB, if you're going to kill someone off (and I think that you are) PICK HIM.
- John. I actually like his character, and I think he offers an interesting dynamic, but I would trade him in a second to keep Katherine or Jenna. So yeah.
- Alaric. He's not really doing anything. Well, he wasn't - then he got all sexy and possessed. But that's Klaus, not Alaric.
People that MUST NOT DIE (minus REALLY obvious ones like Elena, Damon, and Stefan. The PTB would never kill any of them, besides to turn Elena into a vampire, so I'm not adding them to the list. Also minus Katherine and Jenna, as I already said them).
- Caroline. She's just too critical a character for me at this point. I honestly loved her from the very first episode of the show, and was therefore beyond thrilled that her character became so much more involved this year. So please don't kill her.
- Tyler. This is definitely attached to the fact that I love Tyler/Caroline, and I can't see them together if one or both of them are dead. Also, Tyler stole my heart this season. Last year he was a total jackass, but this year he was...awesome.
- Elijah. I love him. He's awesome and evil and he punched a guy's head off his body.
Part three - please don't crush my heart (again)
So, my shipping history is a vast graveyard. Really. Most of my diehard ships are so, so dead. While I enjoy a lot of different facets of fandom, I'd be 100% lying if I said my main focus wasn't ships. Every time I watch a new show, I immediately find a couple to ship - and then go find as much fic/vids/ect about them as possible. So while I put a lot of my hopes on these ships, they get crushed. A LOT.
I'd say my first true shipping experience outside Harry Potter (in which I'm a major multi-shipper - mostly noncanonical, but recently some canonical - and was never interested in H/Hr so my dreams were not crushed there) was with Lex/Lana from Smallville. I got so into them that when I wanted to create fandom related accounts (lj, ffnet, youtube, ect.) they inspired my username. The "nicodemus flower" is from the Smallville episode 'Nicodemus' (1x15) in which Lana inhales pollen from the flower that unleashes her inner urges. The Lex/Lana part of this story is an awesome scene in which Lana tries to seduce Lex - and there's whipped cream. It's awesome.
Anyway, I really liked them together so obviously was pissed when they made it so Lana was still in love with Clark, and Lex was cloning her and crap. I still think the writers missed a HUGE opportunity when it came to their relationship, and Lana's character in general. How awesome would it have been if Lana went all evil? I would have rocked.
Now most of the time, I know that the ship's gonna sink. By the end of a series' run, it's pretty clear if my pairing is going to "end up" together or not. Buffy and Spike? Love them to death, but I never expected the series to end with them being together. It was left open-ended enough that I can read post-Angel Buffy/Spike fic without bending my brain backwards. In the case of House and Cameron from House M.D., I was thoroughly disappointed when the show went the House/Cuddy route, but again I didn't expect them to live happily ever after (though I think they could have given us a little more...). Kara and Lee of BSG (that rhymes)? That was never going to end well - and therefore it ended a LOT nicer than it could have.
But sometimes a show completely blindsides me and BREAKS MY HEART (the shipper one, not the real one).
The main one, that I'm still not over AT ALL, is Sawyer and Kate from Lost. I will honestly never get over that one. In the Pilot, it's blatantly obvious that you're supposed to root for Jack/Kate. Seriously, you would have to be blind and deaf to not get that message. But then Sawyer came in - and he was awesome and funny and not a "naval-gazing, no fun, mopey type". And OMGCHEMISTRY. Sawyer and Kate's first kiss is the HOTTEST first kiss (or even normal, non-first kiss) of all. The reason I was blindsided - completely and honestly shocked - when come finale, they end up with different people LITERALLY FOR ETERNITY: Season Six shipped Sawyer/Kate right up until the last episode. There was that scene in the cages when Sawyer finds her dress, all the scenes in the flashsideways, the fact that their numbers were 51 and 15...SO many things that I thought meant something. Basically
this. I'm still crying.
ANYways, the whole point of blabbering on and on about all of this is to talk about Barney and Robin.
The title of this part is exactly how I feel about them right now. PLEASE DON'T CRUSH MY HEART.
All of those "signs" in the last season of Lost pointing towards Kate and Sawyer = All those signs (without quotes this time, as I'm still hopeful that they actually are signs) in this season of HIMYM pointing towards Barney and Robin. Except this time I'm hoping for a better outcome. Because I have honestly never been more sure that the wedding at the end of the season is theirs, and therefore never more scared that I'm wrong.
What if this is exactly like what happened with Sawyer/Kate? What if the wedding is Barney and Nora's, or Robin and Michael Trucco's? (Love the actor, but he ALWAYS gets in the way of my ships. Seriously: in One Tree Hill he got between Rachel/Mouth, BSG it was Kara/Lee, Castle it was Castle/Beckett...) But I'm really only asking myself those questions so I won't be totally shocked if one of those things happens. Because right now, I am SO convinced that it has to be their wedding.
When we open on the church in the season premiere, we pass by the sign that says "To everything there is a season" - and the next scene Barney says "The season of exposed skin is over". Maybe it's a tiny detail, but it's there. Obviously there were other Barney/Robin hints in the premier - like her wearing a white sundress - but that first one stood out most to me because it seems like exactly the kind of thing the devious creators would be all "OOooo they'll never notice that MUAHAHAHA" about.
And let's skip ahead to where we are now, and why I'm even more convinced that the wedding is theirs.
We know that the wedding will be shown in the final scene of the finale, but as a flashforward (seriously, this show really does give me Lost flashbacks sometimes) that will be built towards in the coming season(s).
Option One - Barney/Nora: I think it's highly unlikely, given the above sentence. We know that Nora is coming back for the finale, so I'll assume that this means her and Barney will either (a) get back together, or (b) officially end things. If we go with option (a), having the wedding be theirs would in no way be a good season ender. They get back together - and then we get a flashforward of them getting married? That is way too linear and simple for this show.
If we go with option (b), a Barney/Nora wedding would make more sense - but still doesn't fit at all. Sure, if they break up "for good" in the present and the we see them getting married, the general audience would want to know how that happens...but mildly, as Nora was only around for a couple episodes and we aren't really invested in her character. The main reason why even this version of a Barney/Nora wedding wouldn't make sense is the part of the above sentence about building towards the wedding in the coming season(s). Nora would have to become a main character, and I just don't see that happening. In the end, this show is about how Ted met his wife - and I really do feel that if they ever bring on another member of the group, it will only happen if it's The Mother.
Option Two - Robin/Michael Trucco or Random Dude or (God forbid) Don: First up is Michael Trucco (MT). Well, if MT's show Fairly Legal gets picked up for a second season, he's clearly not going to be a regular. And do you really think they would show those two getting married without even knowing if MT would be able to be around? No. Second is Random Dude. Not going to happen because no one would care. Third, Don. It would be weird, and I kind of think no one would care again. I am obsessed with this show, and I don't even remember what Don looks like, so I doubt the casual viewers would. And again, all of these would have to guarentee a series regular, or at least a very heavily featured guest star.
Option Three - Barney/Robin: Even if you strip away my shipperness, story-wise it would make SO much sense. Ted said he'd be Robin's best man. Ted's the best man in the premiere. Also in the premiere, Ted is nervous and wants everything to be perfect - of course, it's two of his best friends. And it would just be a fantastic story to see Barney and Nora get back together, Robin and MT get together, and then the very last scene is Barney and Robin getting married. General audience? HOOKED. They already care about both of the characters, and they will be very intrigued as to if they're both so happy with other people, how do they end up married. Shipper audience? OMGOMGOMGOMGOMOGMOMAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Not only will they make all of our heads explode with happiness, but they'll also do the unexpected.
The show may have started off being about how Ted met the Mother, but along the way it gained also being about the "will they, won't they" of Barney and Robin's relationship. Ending all that speculation will give the writers more of an opportunity to swing the focus back to Ted.
And my final reason? People will care. We already love these characters. If the wedding is Option One or Option Two, we'd be watching the story unfold with major bias. Do some people like Nora? Of course - she's nice, why not? Will some people like MT? Yes, he's very charming. But we're not going to be at a point where we like Nora more than Barney, or MT more than Robin. Or even equally. Because I may like Nora or MT, but I love Barney and Robin. The audience cares about both of their stories, not just one - whereas I don't really care about Nora's personal journey in life.
We've been with Barney and Robin for six seasons, and what would be more intriguing and awesome that seeing their story unfold knowing that it has a happy ending? Their wedding would answer the question mark of their future while simultaneously creating one for their present - one that could unfold over the coming season(s) without adding a whole other cast member.
I'd say I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but they are way WAY up - at least with good reason. Because it just makes sense.
(Random aside: If the Mother does show up before the series finale, who would you want to play her? I was reading
this fic the other day, and I couldn't stop picturing Ginnifer Goodwin as the Mother - and seriously now I'll be dissapointed if it's not her haha.)