Do I have to be honest?

May 28, 2011 06:23

Day 10: what you think when you hear the words “be yourself”

The first gut instinct has always been to have a bout of something akin to turrets.  Been striving to be someone else for a looong while now.

day 11: the worst advice you’ve ever heard, or ever been given

Hands down for me the worst advice I followed was moving in with my first long term relationship.   The perverbial first "Ex".   Before her, I was in College.  I was working full time.  I had a nice banked saving account.  I had a car that wasn't breaking down on me every other week.  Once I decided I was in "love"   it was down hill.  my life got flushed down the toilet along with my credit.  It's taken a looong time to recover from that mess.

day 12: the best advice you’ve ever heard, or ever been given

Even though I hate my mindless job with a passion. . . I really couldn't have survived up here financially and mentally.  A chance meeting with a future coworker at an SCA's one and only brewing night, landed me a chance at an interview, and now I'm making double if now triple what I made in AZ.  I just wish I could sleep at night again. . ;)  But if it hadn't been for this job, I wouldn't have survived up here.   I still can't believe I dropped everyrthing I knew for 23 years and moved up here.  No savings so to speak of and no job prospects, no real plan. . . . sooo never doing that again.   Next time I move. . . I plan on being an EE.


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