Jan 30, 2010 05:14
Brian and I broke up last night. It was absolutely ridiculous. I got mad once we went to the bar after because I was in the middle of a story and he turned his back on me and started talking to his friend, which I thought was rude and disrespectful. I was angry and I just needed some time and he wouldn't stop bugging me about it. I chilled out after awhile and started talking to his friend and had a heated conversation about main stream music and what the bar was playing. I would have had this conversation at any time because I have a brain, think, and discuss my opinions with people. Honestly I don't think his friends thought I was argumentative at all.
Once we got to the car, Brian told me I was a hypocrite and was purposely trying to pick a fight with his friend Larry because I was mad at him. I didn't feel like this was the case and tried to tell him my point. There was no telling him my point at all. He was screaming at me and told me that whenever I get beer in me I am argumentative. he also said that he's not like Nick and will stick up for himself, to which I responded that I didn't think he was like Nick and expect that he would stick up for himself. He told me to drive him home and give him back his key, after he insisted that I walk around outside looking for his keys he thought he lost that he didn't even bring with him. He also told me that he was embarrassed that I had what he called and argument and i call a discussion with his friend because the two people who were out with us meant more to him than I ever would.
I feel that he was taking everything I ever told him and was using it manipulatively. I was completely in my right mind and justifiably angry in the first place when he cut me off and acted as though my opinions/stories do not matter. I feel that he was simply being mean by telling me I'm a hypocrite and won't ever matter that much to him. I also feel that he was trying to say that whenever I drink I get angry, which isn't the case. I was not angry at all until he cast aside my feelings. Plus he thinks I just get angry to get angry.
It's ridiculous. Who wants to be angry? I believe he can't stand to be wrong. He wouldn't even listen to my point of view because he was too busy screaming at me in the car.
I told him in the car that this wasn't going to work cause I can't date someone who thinks horrible things about me, nor do I want to.
I think I'm just done. I don't want to deal with this relationship crap for awhile. It's always something with someone and I'm tired of it.