(no subject)

Feb 11, 2007 02:00

Alright here is my update :

I've been kind of an alcoholic lately, but can you blame me? Drinking is fun, Cory turned 21, and I discovered Long Islands.  But now I am turning back to good kid mode, tonight I did lots of homework.  And the plan is to do a lot tomorrow.  We are trying to pick where to go for Spring break this year.  we debated new orleans, vegas, and puerto rico. my mom nixed the road trip of the northeast due to snow.  and although we have been to puerto rico before it is in the lead.  because honestly is there ever enough time at the beach.  plus alex isnt as into the vegas idea as me, and I would rather go with people who would like it.  also after this insane cold snap, puerto rico would be just what the doctor order.  a super lazy few days drinking and beaching.  so boozing and beach sounds like the best plan and alex doesn't have a passport so we are limited.  plus plane tickets and the hotel together is only going to be like 450.   just thinking about it makes me warm.

on another note, i had an interview at pitt pharmacy.  it went decent.  I didn't fuck up but the questions were difficult.  sand, bucket, water, and rocks difficult . (odd chinese proverb question).

i need to figure out what to do for the summer.  the good kid says intern while taking some bio credits in pittsburgh.  the bum says "shit man are you aware that Pittsburgh is like 6 hours from the jersey shore".  the family man in me says, "what about the parentos"  so that is one situation i am avoiding thinking about

also as an avid celebrity gossip whore i feel it is my duty to at least say something about anna nicole smith:
anna nicole smith was a beautiful train wreck, and her sordid tales will surely be missed, but at least she is a step closer to being marilyn monroe

the junior politician in me (vote mcgorty in 2040):
Obama, you're too young, don't jump the gun
Clinton, align yourself with Edwards or Obama as your VP, and acknowledge the war in Iraq was a mistake
Edwards, you gotta bring the dirty south if you wanna win the race against the big city kids, plus fire the bitches who made anti-catholic remarks because i am catholic (but not really because i am a catholic who believes hardily in the 1st amendment)
Kerry, you still stink of second place in a two man race
Bidden, Gravel, Dodd and richardson  you bore me to death
sharpton, are you serious?
Everyone else, you didn't even make my list, you don't stand a chance

McCain --> your okay, well as okay as one of yours can be
Rudy --> i love you man, when you're on stern, end your career on a high note
hunter--> tax cheats dont get presidential seats
brownback --> intelligent design?
newt --> you're still ugly, but i'd fuck your sister
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