Nothing But A Dream

May 31, 2012 23:49

*pops up from the dead*


So it's that time of year again... KINK BINGO. I thought I had to have something done and posted by tonight, but I actually have until June 15th. XD So I got done early! :D

Anyway, have some porny Nick/Ellis from me. <3 I know that this comm has been kind of slow as of late, so hopefully this'll help bring some life back into it.

Title: Nothing But A Dream
Game: L4D2
Characters/Pairing: Nick/Ellis
Rating: R/NC-17
Summary: Nick wakes up from a particularly vivid, sexual dream and decides to take it out on a sleeping Ellis. >_>
Word Count: 2,429
Warnings: Descriptions of mansex, orgasm, masturbation, dirty talk and I guess um, non-con or dub-con use of someone as a masturbatory device? >_>
A/N: This takes place post-apocalypse and Nick and Ellis are living together and stuff.

Follow the fake cut to my journal!


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