Smut-A-Thon Day 7: Wildcard (Marking/Claiming)

Apr 02, 2012 13:48

It's a day late and I apologize, but it's here! I want to thank everyone for reading and keeping up, and i hope that you all enjoyed it!

If there was one thing that Nick felt vaguely insecure about when it came to his and Ellis’ relationship, ONE thing, it was Zoey. Nick never thought that he would have had to see her again after Rayford. She had barely even been an afterthought to Ellis after Nick had given him hand-job of his life, but for the time they’d been together when running for their lives Nick still seethed at the thought of her on occasion. Even when Francis would mention her in passing during their time as Z-Men together he would feel a prick of jealousy. So when Francis had asked Nick to track her down using his connections as Assistant Director of FBICE, he’d been reluctant to do so. Nay, pissy as hell to do so. But he’d done it, just to give his friend some peace of mind.

Little did he know that soon Zoey would be coming up to see Francis every few months. And that she and Ellis would hit it off. Even if it was in a strictly platonic sense, Nick did NOT like it, just because, in a way, she had had his fiance’s attention first.

‘You’re bein’ silly,’ Ellis would always say, and Nick knew it was true. But still.

Zoey was up visiting for a week that summer, as if Nick didn’t already have enough on his mind. Work was busy lately, with a new outbreak of Specials over the river, not to mention wedding planning for their spring nuptials. The presence of the brunette just stressed him out more. Especially since he couldn’t really be around to make sure that she kept in line (as he had heard from Rochelle and Francis’ foster daughter Wenesday that Zoey had sort of been giving Ellis googly eyes as of late).  He was told by everyone (besides Wednesday) that he was being a jealous, insecure jerk.

Well DUH. But if Wednesday was right, he felt like he had at least SOME reason to be.

Ellis came home that night after Nick did, which already sent the older man into a snit. As the mechanic walked in the door of their townhome, he grinned and called “Hey Nick? You home?”

“Yeah, I’m in the kitchen,” Nick called back, trying to mask his irritation.

“Aw man Nick, you missed a fun day today!” Ellis stated as he trotted into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around his lover’s front. “Francis, Rochelle, Zoey, and I went to the zoo!”

“So? I’ve taken you to the zoo before,” Nick snorted as he stirred the red sauce for the pasta he had made for dinner. FROM scratch. Could Zoey do that? Probably not! And Nick only had nine fingers, so that gave him extra points in his mind-

“Well now I know that, but it was real fun goin’ with all’ve them too,” Ellis said, chuckling as he shook his head. “An’ you always make us leave the lions before I want to.”

“Because they sleep all day! What’s interesting in watching some lions sleep?” Nick asked, chuckling a bit as he craned his head back to kiss Ellis on the side of the head.

“Cuz they’re cool, Nick, that’s why!” Ellis laughed. “But I got to watch them a lot longer today, cuz Zoey likes lions too.”

“Oh does she?” Nick asked, rolling his eyes.

“Yep, she does,” Ellis nodded. “You should really give her a chance, Nick, she’s really nice.”

“I have too many friends as it is.”

“You have me, Ro, an’ Francis!”

“AND Morgan, don’t forget Morgan,” Nick stated, crankily.

“You just don’t like Zoey because I kinda had a crush on her,” Ellis said, shaking his head bemusedly. “I love YOU, Nick. I’m marryin’ you, aren’t I?”

“I know, I know,” Nick said, turning around and wrapping his arms around his fiance’s back.

“Don’t ya trust me?” Ellis asked, a bit hurt.

“Ellis, I trust YOU,” the older man nodded, stroking his cheek gently. “It’s HER I don’t trust.”

“Well you don’t have to trust her,” Ellis said, putting his hand on Nick’s. “Just me. So stop worryin’. Besides, tomorrow’s Saturday an’ you can come out to the pool with us so you’ll see just how much you don’t hafta worry.”

“What time are you going to the pool?” Nick asked, raising his eyebrows.

“Around one.”

“Fuck…. I can’t go around one, I have to go out across the river to oversee some Infected disposals,” Nick said, actually irked that he couldn’t go to the pool if only to make his presence known. “Won’t be done until five.”

“Oh,” Ellis shrugged. “That’s okay though. You can still have dinner with us.”

“Yeah,” Nick nodded. “…. Well, speaking of dinner, let’s have some right now, hm?”

“Okay!” Ellis grinned, grabbing some plates to put the food on.

After dinner, they found themselves on the couch, Nick on top of Ellis, pressing him into the cushions. The mechanic smiled pleasantly as his lover kissed and nipped around his earlobe, and he tangled his legs in Nick’s, exhaling softly. He curved his face to the side to give the older man more access to his neck, and ran his fingers through Nick’s hair. He let out a relaxed moan, and arched his back up off the couch. “You’re bein’ pretty tame tonight,” he murmured.

Nick chuckled a little bit, and took the shell of Ellis’ ear in his teeth, daintily. His tongue flicked at the soft skin, his hand running up the smaller man’s side to play with his shirt. He was going to try and remove it suavely, when they were both surprised by the sound of Ellis’ cell phone buzzing in his jeans. Nick snorted, and Ellis shook his head.

“Hang on,” he said apologetically, and quickly removed it from his pocket to read it. Once he was finished, he set it on the coffee table. “Okay, ‘m done, promise.”

“Who dared interrupt our make out session?” Nick smirked, leaning in again to go back to teasing his ear.

“Jus’ Zoey, wantin’ to confirm what time she should get to the pool tomorrow,” Ellis replied, putting his arms back in their rightful place around Nick’s back. Nick frowned, really wishing that those damn Specials hadn’t had to mutate and congregate this week. You’re being a jealous ass and don’t you DARE say anything to him about it, he thought, as he knew he was on the cusp of being obnoxious in his jealousy. He just wanted to make it clear, somehow, that Ellis was HIS fiancé without being there to show it. But how was he going to do that? He couldn’t ask Rochelle to keep an eye on Zoey, she’d just tell Ellis that his fiancé was being a jealous ass. And if he told Francis he would either tell Zoey or Rochelle, and either way Nick would catch hell. Friends like these, he thought.

But then he had a better idea.

He pulled himself up on his knees, straddling Ellis on the couch as he looked down at him, eyes simmering with a scathingly brilliant idea. At least in his mind it was scathingly brilliant. Ellis opened his eyes, wondering just why this had stopped. But before he could ask, Nick stated ‘turn over’. A tremor ran through Ellis’ body, the command in Nick’s voice incredibly sexy, and he did so. Nick’s hands slipped under the fabric of the tee shirt, and he pulled the cloth over Ellis’ head. The younger man pulled himself out of the clothing, and watched as Nick dropped it to the floor. He craned his head around to ask what his plan was, but before he could Nick snaked his arm around Ellis’ waist and began to kiss his neck. Ellis gasped, hands grabbing the cushions.

“Nick, what’re ya doin’?” he asked as the lips moved around nape and towards his hairline. He squirmed a little, the sensation a little ticklish, but the arm around his waist held him tighter as the mouth dropped to his shoulders. The kisses were hot and needy, and Ellis’ head dipped forward. They felt great, but he wondered just what it was that Nick was trying to do. He knew that there were always other things that this sort of thing would lead to.

Nick snickered as he ran his hands around Ellis’ front, moving them to the buckle of his lover’s pants. He yanked the leather strap out from the jeans loops, and tossed it to the floor.

“You’re kinda eager tonight,” Ellis laughed, and then yelped as Nick pulled the denim down next. “Damn!”

“What?” Nick asked, hot breath lingering on Ellis’ back.

“Well, um, I thought we were going to do this later tonight in the tub, cuz you mentioned you got new Jacuzzi jets-.”

“Think of this as an overture,” Nick cut him off, and began to kiss his back again. Ellis smiled, always thinking he did like a good warm up.

It was then that Nick bit down on his back, right beneath his left shoulder. Ellis yelled out, the pain a bit more than normal. “HEY!” he snapped.

“Calm down, kiddo,” Nick said. “You know that sometimes pleasure takes a little bit of pain too.”

Ellis huffed, but nodded. He figured that Nick would get it out of his system soon enough. The older man pinched his teeth and sucked on the firm back, mouth moving down and up as his other hand dropped into the younger man’s boxers to snatch his cock into his palm. The younger man gasped, and grabbed the cushions rougher. Nick began to stroke the long shaft, but also continued to suck and bite on the younger man’s back. Ellis groaned at both the painful lovebites and the gentle fondling of his genitals, huffing and starting to pant. He was a bit surprised that Nick was biting him this much, as he usually liked to switch things up. But he didn’t want to question it too much, lest Nick punish him for doing so.

Nick’s mouth slowly moved across Ellis’ back, hand pumping as slow as his lips were going. As much as Ellis couldn’t see what he was doing, every movement was deliberate and calculated. The younger man knew that much. He wasn’t sure what the calculations were, exactly, but it didn’t matter as his skin stung and his dick ached.

“Ahhh, Nick, you’re upta somethin’,” Ellis groaned, closing his eyes as Nick bit him a little harder, now past his shoulder blade. Nick just snickered lowly, and worked his teeth and lips in an unforgiving way. Ellis’ rasped, shaking as Nick clutched his dick harder, thumb going over the slit and teasing cruelly. The sparks running through his cock made up for the agony on his skin, and Ellis began to yell out from both. Nick’s mouth kept moving across his back and shoulder blades, his hand going at a pace so both of the sensations built at a similar rate. The more Ellis’ back hurt, the more his orgasm wound and wound.

Nick squeezed his lover’s organ, precum sticking in his palm, and he moved to the last of his great masterpiece. This was going to be his Sistine Chapel in his eyes. He left more long, streaky markings on Ellis’ back, the mechanic moaning and panting egging him on, and he began to pump faster. When his art finished, Ellis would finish. He’d see to that.

“Nick, what’re- OH FUCK!” Ellis exclaimed, and he abruptly came just as Nick’s lips left his back. He bucked his hips as he cried his climax out, feeling Nick’s left hand trail to his inner thigh gingerly as his right finished him off, and he puffed twice more before finally sinking into the fabric of the sofa. “Fuuuuck….. If that’s an overture I’m a bit scared of the real deal!”

“Don’t worry, kiddo, I’ll give you some time to recharge,” Nick said, reaching down and wiping his hand off on Ellis’ tee shirt.

“You have your own shirt!” Ellis whined when he saw, but he was still riding a high.

“Mine has to be dry cleaned,” Nick answered, flipping Ellis around and scooping him into his lap.

“Why’d ya bite my back so much?” the mechanic asked, smiling down at him.

“Just felt like claiming you as mine,” Nick shrugged.

“Well I guess that’s what hickeys are meant to do,” Ellis nodded, and kissed his temple. “…. Sorry you can’t come to the pool tomorrow.”

“I’ll be around for dinner,” Nick stated, sounding a lot more zen about it.

“Did you do that so Zoey would see the hickeys on my back?” Ellis asked, skeptically.

“Sort of,” Nick said, shrugging.

“You’re a bit ridiculous,” Ellis chided, shaking his head. “You have nothin’ to worry about.”

“I know,” Nick smiled.


At the pool the next day, Ellis was last to arrive. He waved at Rochelle and Zoey, who were already in their suits.

“Don’t tell me you came to the pool in a tee shirt, Ellis,” Rochelle said, judgmentally.

“No no no, I’m takin’ it off,” Ellis said, setting down his backpack by the lounge chair. “Hold your horses Ro.”

“No Nick today either?” Zoey asked, lifting her sunglasses.

“Not til dinner,” Ellis said. “He told me to tell you that he sends his regards, and he’ll be here in spirit.”

“Wow, he actually wanted to pass a message onto Zoey, that’s not like him,” Rochelle said, smirking, and Zoey blushed a bit, the animosity from the FBICE director a little intimidating.

“Naw, he’s bein’ real good about that now,” Ellis said. “I just convinced him that there was nothin’ to worry about an’ he lightened up!” He removed his shirt and sat on the chair, back facing the girls.

Rochelle’s mouth dropped and Zoey’s hand went to her mouth. For on Ellis’ back was a large group of streaky, purple hickeys. And it just so happened that they vaguely managed to spell out a word.


Ellis kicked his flip flops off and removed his sunglasses, oblivious to what was on his back. “Yeah, he’s bein’ a lot more mature! I’m real proud of him.” And with that, he jumped into the pool.

Rochelle tried not to laugh, as Zoey ran a hand through her hair. Nick’s point had been made. So that was what he meant when he said he’d be there in spirit.


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