SMUT-A-THON (5/7) - Roleplay

Mar 29, 2012 10:16

I definitely had my fun picking out what each of the boys would want the other to dress up as. XD

He had been extremely particular in picking out the cocktail dress he was currently holding as he waited in the line for checkout. It was made of deep crimson velvet on the outside and a slick satin on the inside, decorated tastefully with an arrangement of sequins forming two hearts overlapping one another upon the hip of the garment. It fit low on the bust, sleeveless and strapless-- of course-- and cut off high on the thigh. To be honest there wasn't too much to the thing, but then again that wasn't the point.

The point was to showcase the gorgeous body of his young lover.

Nick flipped out his billfold as the woman rang up his purchase, which included the dress, a pair of similarly colored lacy panties, and some size-thirteen, four-inch heels. He handed over a couple of hundreds to cover the steep price tag and the cashier took them without hesitation, counting him back his change. She folded the dress and lingerie neatly into tissue paper, which she then put inside a clothing box, stacking the shoebox on top and sliding them both over the counter towards him.

Her words were low and quite possibly jealous as she gazed at him over her thick-rimmed glasses. "Have a good evening, sir."

"Thanks," the gambler awarded her a wink and set off with his goods in arms.

Ellis had been pretty leery about the whole idea of 'dressing up and roleplaying' when Nick mentioned it at first. It wasn't like it was something they'd ever done in bed before, but the hick acknowledged as much as he did that their love life could use a little… spicing up. The ex-con kept bringing it up, suggesting it once a day for about a week until eventually Ellis caved to his desires to make it a reality. They both agreed to give it a try the next day.

The next day being tonight. Nick grinned widely as he unlocked his Mercedes and set the items in the trunk so he could head back to their not-so-humble home. His fantasy had been easy to pin-point, knowing exactly what he wanted his lover to mime out… the alluring, sultry cocktail waitress, bringing him a drink from the bar and slipping him the bill which bore her loopy handwriting that invited him bang her, if he'd have her, in his hotel room until dawn. Nick gave a slight shiver. He only hoped the kid wouldn't kill himself in those heels.

It wasn't long at all before he was parking his vehicle in the garage and clicking the opener shut. The cardplayer carried the two boxes inside, setting them down upon the mahogany coffee table in the living room. He spied a glance at the hour-- 5:06-- just about enough time to set the scene and mood a little more before Ellis got back from work. Nick fully planned to dive into this flight of fancy just as soon as the kid walked in the door. He drew the blinds, darkening the front room and adjusted the dimmer switches that controlled the overhead can lights to a faint glow. He went over to the wine rack and selected a vintage along with a couple of thin-stalked vessels, adding them to the coffee table to be enjoyed when the time came.

For now he decided to tide himself over with a nice scotch. The ex-con rinsed a couple of ice cubes and tossed them into a tumbler glass, dousing them with the alcoholic amber liquid. He then took a seat on the leather sofa, folding an ankle over a knee as he sipped and waited for his partner's return, allowing erotic thoughts of the coming evening to flit through his head.

He wasn't kept waiting too long. About ten minutes later a key turned in the lock to the front door and he turned in his seat to see Ellis tromp inside in his heavy steel-toed work boots-- quite different from what he'd soon be wearing… Nicholas smirked.

"Whoa, it's kinda dark in here… the heck's goin' on?" the mechanic rambled as he stepped further in and shut the door with his elbow. His blue eyes found the man sitting on the couch and his lips turned upward in a greeting smile. "Oh, hey, Nick."

"Hey there, El…" he delivered in a low purr, swirling the fluid in his glass around the nearly melted cubes. He set the beverage down. "Or should I say… Scarlet…?" His tongue flicked upward on the pronunciation of the 'et', giving his cocktail maiden a name.

The hillbilly gave a guffaw; it was a rather uncharming noise on the whole, but Nick would alter his partner to a more charismatic being soon enough. "What'chu goin' on about now, honey?" Ellis said as came forward. He let a hefty package fall down upon the table with a thunk, rattling the wine glasses.

Nick's visage faltered, an eyebrow lifting on his forehead. "...What's that?" he asked with a rougher edge.

"Well it's yer outfit, a'course!" the redneck chuckled as he sat to unlace his boots, yanking them off his feet to toss wherever they fell.

"My outfit…?" the ex-con got out incredulously.

"Yeah, we was gonna roleplay tuhnight, tha's what'chu said, right?" the youngster blinked at him with wide eyes. He moved to scratch his head. "I didn't mix up the dates, did I? I figured ya needed an outfit if ya were gonna get 'in-character' an' all."

"Ellis," he silenced the younger man with his name. "What I meant when I said we were roleplaying…" He trailed off with a loud sigh, combing his fingers through his hair. How could he let the kid down easy that the only one he'd intended to have roleplaying that night was Ellis? That Nick fully intended to be himself during the sexual play and that he certainly didn't want to 'dress up'.

"Ya got somethin' fer me, didn't'cha?" the younger man guessed fairly astutely.

Nick stared straight ahead. "Yeah."

"Well, shucks, tha's okay," Ellis said then, not seeming too upset by the news at all. He snatched up the package he had brought in and set it in the older man's lap. "We both kin dress up together!"

"I… uh… I dunno, El…" the gambler said uncertainly, not sure if that was such a good idea. His fingers nervously brushed the corners on the lid of the box that had been plopped into his hands. Christ, he could only imagine what was in it that the kid had picked out for him to wear. "Maybe we should just… do this another time…" he started to try and back out.

"Now, Nick," the mechanic said a little sternly, "yer the one who said we needed tuh spice things up, an' this's gonna do that." He grabbed up his own two containers, readily popping the lid off the shoebox as he continued to yammer. "A'sides, m'purdy curious what it is that'chu were fantasizin' me i--" his own words were interrupted as his jaw physically dropped open. The redneck stammered, lifting out the crimson footwear by a thin stiletto heel to turn it around in front of his face. "H-holy goddamn… ya meant fer me tuh wear these??"

The cardplayer coughed into his hand. "Wait until you see the rest…"

A blush began to spread over the kid's face, originating at his nose and cheeks. He set aside the first box and opened the second, this time being a lot more slow and cautious. The tissue paper rustled as he began pulling it apart and his adam's apple bobbed as he reached in to delicately pluck the garment out by the top hem. It unfurled atop his body, and the blush deepened a whole nother shade as he stared down at the 'formal' wear.

"Y-ya were imaginin' me as a prostitute??"

The ex-con practically facepalmed. "A cocktail girl, Ellis. Cocktail girl. You know, the chicks that bring you drinks in a casino."

"I know what they is," the hillbilly retorted at the insult to his intelligence. He frowned, rubbing the velvet between his fingertips with obvious concern. "They really wear this little??"

He gave his lover a look. "The point is to show some skin for the patrons, kid."

Ellis shifted in his seat. "Yeah, I guess…" He seemed to a hesitate moment more, as if he were almost having second thoughts. He gave a very tiny chuckle. "I uh… I s'pose m'gonna be showin'… quite a bit of skin then…"

Jesus Christ, the blush on the kid's face was a-fucking-dorable. And it complimented the red fabric so well… All Nick could think about then was how good his ass would look sticking out the bottom of the dress, pink from a pounding and framed by the luscious fabric. The ex-con gave a grated noise in the back of his throat.

"Well, are ya gonna open yers?" Ellis asked pointedly, jerking him back out of his fantasies.

Nick chewed on the inside of his mouth, really not wanting to, but he couldn't really see much way around it either. After all, they hadn't specified who would be dressing up… Nick had thought that was obvious. But unfortunately now he was stuck with it. Ellis likely wouldn't agree to wear what he had gotten unless he agreed to wear what Ellis had gotten. God, and there was just no telling what could be inside. The gambler took a deep breath and held it, slowly lifting the lid off the box with his eyes shut. Then he opened them.

It was a racing jumpsuit.

And not just any racing jumpsuit. It was a replica of what belonged to the hillbilly's icon and idol, the 'pride of Georgia', the 'legendary' Jimmy Gibbs Jr.

He couldn't help it, he honestly couldn't, he started laughing. And hard. Nick held his sides as they heaved with mirth, belting out his amusement in a few loud bursts. The youngster bristled beside him, sitting up very straight on the sofa and fixing him a serious stare. "I'm-- I'm sorry!" Nick snickered, slapping his knee with a hand, tears welling up in his eyes, unable to stop. "Jesus Christ… shit, that's a good one, kiddo. Jimmy Gi--" his grin split and he launched into another wave of raucous laughter. "Jimmy fucking Gibbs!"

The redneck stood up and threw the dress on the floor, swiveling on his heels to storm off.

"Hey--" Nick protested, his amusement dissolving. "Hey, where are you going?" He snatched the crimson garment back up. "Come back, El!"

"Screw yer idea, Nick," the mechanic responded over his shoulder as he headed for the stairs. "An' screw you too."

The ex-con frowned, standing to hurry over to him before he could make it too far. "Whoa, hey, hold up." Just as the youngster's foot hit the first step, he set a hand on his shoulder.

Ellis huffed, pausing and glaring back at him. "'The hell should I?"

Nick's lip quirked. He hooked a thumb back at the couch. "Didn't you want to do this just a minute ago?"

"Tha' was a'fore ya startin' laughin' at me, thank'ya very much."

"Oh come on, I just thought it was funny." However, the explanation didn't seem to change Ellis' mood whatsoever. Nick sighed. So he went for the more drastic approach-- apologizing. "Listen, I'm sorry, okay? I probably shouldn't have laughed." But goddamn was it a hoot. The numerous times the excitable redneck had proclaimed his love for the race car driver, Nick just assumed he was exaggerating. He hadn't entertained the possibility that Ellis actually wanted to sleep with the guy.

The southerner looked at his feet and shuffled them on the step.

Nick moved in a little closer, letting his palm caress up the side of his lover's stubbled face. "C'mon, fireball… I really want to see you work that dress…" He spoke lowly, using the tone of voice that almost always got him his way with the younger man. The mechanic's eyelids fluttered shut, head tilting into his touch. "I've been thinking about you in it ever since I bought it… and all the things I want to do to you in it…"

Ellis gave a little shiver. But his blue eyes opened back up to regard the older man seriously. "Yer gonna put on what I got'cha?"

The cardplayer cleared his throat. "Yeah. Sure, why not?" he made the compromise quickly before he could think too much about it and decide otherwise. Anything to see the younger man in the shapely dress, bent over and panting.

"Well a'righty then…" Ellis said, taking the garment from his partner's hands slowly. "Guess I'll jus' go upstairs an' get changed real quick then."

Hairs lifted at the back of his neck, dick simultaneously giving a pulse in his slacks. The machinist seemed to sense his peaking arousal, as a knowing grin spread lopsidedly across his face before turning to head up the stairs, a sway in his hips. "I'll be down in juuus' a few minutes, darlin'…" he heard Ellis drawl before he heard the telltale click of the latch on their bedroom door.

Nick licked his lips. Okay. So he just had to put on the damn jumpsuit and this whole thing would be a set deal. The ex-con went back to where he had left the box containing the article, frowning at it and all the gaudy logos upon it. He could put it on… was Ellis expecting him to actually act like the race car driver too? Shit, Nick had put on a lot of different fronts before to do cons, convincing people he was something or someone he was not, but this was a little different. It occurred to him that he didn't really even know how Mr. Jimmy Gibbs acted.

Slowly he unbuttoned the front of his dress shirt, stripping down to just his boxers-- didn't want anything to be inhibiting him when things warmed up to that point. If they did. It might just end up being too weird to go through with the sex at all. Nick shook his head and tried to convince himself it would be alright, removing the jumpsuit from the box and drawing down the long front zipper from neck to crotch. Ugh, who actually wore something that was one solid piece like this? Furthermore, who thought it was attractive? No one but Ellis, apparently. The cardplayer steeled himself and stepped into the legs, getting the back up and over his shoulders. He pulled the zipper back up, all the way until it reached his neck, obscuring his normally exposed chest hair. His green eyes flicked over to a nearby mirror in the hall, catching a glance of himself in the hideous blue and white jumpsuit.

Christ, he was really going to need some more to drink to go through with this. Good thing the kid was going to be his cocktail server.

He heard the knob on the bedroom door turn, and all his senses heightened. His eyes dilated to focus at the top of the stairs, and out strode his partner, short legs practically bare except for what very little was covered by red velvet. But they were gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. The very same legs that spread for him or wound around his middle. Nick's gaze travelled up the slender hips… and that fucking narrow waist-- his heart pounded-- to where Ellis filled out the top of the garment with his barrel chest, strong shoulders and neck deliciously bare.

The southerner tossed his curly dirty-blonde hair, baby blue eyes glimmering down at him from the top of the stair. "Hey there, sugar…" He ran a palm down his side, intentionally bowing out a hip. "I'll take that tuh mean it fits a'right…?"

It took Nick a couple of beats to realize Ellis was referring to his boner, which was now tenting the jumpsuit in a rather ridiculous manner in front of him. "Ah… yeah…" he got out with another little cough, somewhat embarrassed he couldn't keep calm.

The redneck chuckled, breaking the spell as he plodded down the steps. "Yer hilarious, man. Really." He walked past him to get the shoes and panties that remained to be put on. "So, where do we start all this, d'ya figure? The bar?" he suggested, leaning over to step his feet through the leg holes in the lingerie.

The gambler caught sight of asscheek and ballsack before Ellis managed to straighten up, rendering him unable to say much more than an unintelligible, "Uhh." in response.

"I think m'gonna save the heels fer another time," the mechanic went on, perfectly happy to be talking to himself without receiving a reply. "I dun think it'd be very sexy if I fell over while we was in the middle of doin' what we're gonna be doin'. Is'at a'right, Nick?"

He tried to snap out of his tongue-tied trance by giving his head a rough shake from side to side.

Ellis misinterpreted it. "Well shucks yer insistent. It's not like I got ya shoes," he complained as he put his hands on either of his hips. Fuck… those hips… the same ones he'd be clutching onto as he drove himself between the kid's legs...

"No, it's fine," Nick managed to croak out at long last, yanking himself back to reality. "It's… just fine…" his fingers moved to smooth down his lapels absently, only to find they weren't there. And then he remembered he was supposed to be trying to play along.

The hick clicked his tongue and came forward to snag him by the wrist. "Well c'mon then, Mr. It's Just Fine." Ellis tugged him over to the bar; Nick took a seat on one of the two stools and then the kid hurried around the counter to duck behind it. There was some rattling, and the ex-con began to lean over to try and peek at his partner, but before he could Ellis stood with a little tray in hand, a couple glasses atop it. "Prop," the younger man explained with a grin. His blue eyes flashed. "You ready?"

The gambler wet his lips. Well, he supposed no time like the present. "Yeah, okay." He began to set the scene, giving it a little backstory in hopes it would help him get into it. "Uh… so, I've been doing photoshoots for Cola Time's endorsement all day and came in here to the casino to take a break and wet my whistle."

"And yer dick," Ellis pointed out.

He chuckled at his lover's forwardness. "Yeah, that too. And I saw you across the way, and waved you over to get a drink."

The southerner bobbed his head and grabbed up the tray, balancing it one-handed next to his shoulder as he moved around the bar to his side again. "Well what do we have here?" Ellis drawled in a sugary voice, trying for a higher pitch to emphasize his role, "The world's best race car driver come in tuh see us. Evenin', sugar."

"And a fine evening to you as well, miss," Nick attempted to add a little twang to his normal voice, considering the guy he was supposed to be roleplaying originated from Georgia. He hesitated a moment and tried to think of what to play off of from the kid's words. "You sound like you're a fan of my driving," he said then.

Ellis hummed and gave a smile. "They play yer races up on the big screens," he said, no doubt referring to the ones on the 'casino' floor. "Seems like every time I look up, number twenty-two's leadin' the pack. Yer quite the driver, Mr. Gibbs…" The blue eyes locked with his lustfully.

Yeah, that would get the damn kid off. "It's my job to be," he responded cockily. "Otherwise I wouldn't get all these big time endorsements." The gambler waved his hand over his chest in show of all the patches on his jumpsuit. In the back of his mind Nick wondered if the real Jimmy Gibbs was more humble and he was just inflecting his own personality into him. "I just signed on with Cola Time last week."

"Congratulations, honey. Tha's a mighty big brand," the redneck-in-girl's-clothing complimented, moving his hand to rest upon his jumpsuited thigh. "Maybe I kin get'chu a li'l somethin' to celebrate?" he suggested with a twinkle in his eye.

The ex-con hummed. "Well, I really shouldn't be drinking before my big race tonight…" he emphasized with a grin, knowing that 'fact' ought to rev the southerner's engine.

"Oooh… a big race, is'at right?" Ellis wondered aloud, looking both delighted and smitten. "My, you must be nervous as all get-out…"

"Me? Nervous?" Nick dared to give a laugh. "I'm a racing legend. No one's going to be able to pull a fast one on me once I'm out on that race track."

The young man purred, turning around to walk back behind the bar. "Yer a confident man, Mr. Gibbs…" he spoke as he sashayed his hips, drawing his green-eyed attention, "an' a confident man needs a confident drink…"

Nick watched calmly as Ellis began assembling him something. He normally didn't trust the kid to mix anything in the proper proportions, but he didn't interrupt, not wanting to break character. "I do believe you're right," he said, leaning against the bar. "You 'serve' confident men often?" he delivered with a toothy grin.

The mechanic-now-cocktail-girl smacked a Collins glass down in front of him. It was a Mint Julep, even garnished with a couple leaves of the flavoring agent. "Now… what exactly kinda question is that, Mr. Gibbs? I do declare you might be 'comin' on to me'…" His eyes half-lidded.

"Well ma'am, a drink isn't the only thing that can ease a man's nerves," Nick explained, picking up the tall thin glass to take a long draw of the sweet beverage. He paused for effect, looking over the lip. "A fine lady can as well."

Ellis took the words as invitation to come out from the bar once more. He lifted a leg so he could slide onto the ex-con's lap, and Nick felt the fabric of the dress raise, which definitely raised his temperature as well. "An' jus' how would a… lady go about doin' that?" the southerner asked, wrapping his arms around his lover's neck.

He couldn't help it, he broke character. "Christ, El, you're doing such a good job at this…" Nick whispered, their faces nearly touching.

"Thanks, darlin'. Ain't doin' so shabby yerself," the kid teased with a little grin.

He was even more determined to roll the younger man into the sack now. And soon. Nick leaned in to the mechanic-dressed-as-waitress's ear. "By giving herself away to him. Letting him have her… Ravage her…"

The way Ellis shuddered let him know he was nearly there, but the kid recovered and just gave him a doting smile. "Oh, but I wouldn't want to keep ya away from yer big race… I'd feel jus' awful if ya missed it on my account."

Nick chuckled and let a finger curl into his partner's hair. "Jimmy always has time for at least one quick spin around the race track. If you catch my 'drift'," the ex-con punned with a sly wink.

"Oh, sugar… I think I do…" Ellis gave an accented lick of his lips. The kid stood and invitingly held out his hand so he could take the gambler's elbow. Nick readily offered it and walked them towards the staircase, snagging the glasses and bottle of wine on the way.


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