Smut-A-Thon Day 4: Exhibitionism

Mar 28, 2012 18:03

Because who doesn't like the thrill of public sex?

For Ellis there was just one downside of moving to D.C. with Nick: Nick’s new job kept him busy quite a bit of the time. While he usually kept 40 hour weeks, there were other weeks that he wouldn’t come home until nine or ten at night. It could get mighty lonely in their townhouse.

But because of this, when they did go on long weekends (which Nick tried to do after especially long weeks) the older man was very attentive. He would take Ellis to whatever place he wanted to go (within reason, travel permits and The Grey Zone taken into account of course), and this long weekend it happened to be a beach house on Chincoteague Island in Virginia. The front steps were literally steps away from the sand, and every day Ellis would run out into the water to go swimming while Nick would plant himself on the beach with a book. Of course he’d steal glances at his fiancé over the tops of the pages. He didn’t get all that far in the book, really. But he was okay with that. They neighbors along the beach were always friendly. Perhaps a little put off by the scars both men garnered, especially the large, horrifying ones across the older man’s chest. No one really wanted to ask, so pleasantries were exchanged but questions weren’t. Nick and Ellis were okay with that.

It was by night that they would have the most fun. Nick would fix them a nice dinner, serve some nice beer (as he knew Ellis preferred it to wine), play some music on the stereo and play some cards. Then have a few rounds of fevered love making, or fucking depending on the mood.

On their last night they decided to take one last nighttime stroll along the shoreline. Chincoteague was fairly quiet these days; like most of the East, The Flu had ripped through the town, and it had only recently been established as habitable and out of the Grey Zone. It was a little sad to see fences around the outskirts of the town, but the beach they were on was immaculate. It was like nothing had happened. Ellis looked over at Nick, taking his fiance’s damaged hand in his own, and rested his head on his shoulder. It was nice to pretend sometimes.

Nick slipped his hand across Ellis’ ass, the swim trunks a bit rough against his palm. Ellis looked up at him, and then looked at the lit up lights in the houses on the beach. “Think people’re lookin’ at us?” he asked, softly.

“…. Maybe,” Nick shrugged. “I’m sure they’ll be on their porches with drinks soon enough… Maybe after we’re done here we can do the same.”

“Maybe,” Ellis said. “I wanna go for one more swim since we gotta leave tomorrow…. Will ya actually join me this time?”

“I don’t have my swim trunks on,” Nick said.

“You don’t hafta have ‘em on,” Ellis replied, raising an eyebrow coyly as he broke away from Nick and rushed into the waves. Nick looked after him, a slow smile spreading across his lips. He glanced over at the glowing lights in the windows of the other houses. There were definitely people around, he could see them walking in front of the windows, going about their evenings. And yet, Nick didn’t care. Let them see. He fumbled with his pants and his shirt, letting them drop to the sand and following Ellis out in his boxers.

“FUCK! This water’s cold!” he exclaimed as Ellis turned around to laugh, already up to his waist.

“You’re such a baby!” Ellis said, motioning for Nick to come out further. Nick mumbled a bit, hoping he didn’t develop hypothermia thanks to the chill, but still walked out to his lover. Ellis pulled him into a hug, and started to kiss him gently. Nick kissed him back, the salty air permeating his nose as Ellis’ strong and wet arms curled around him. The smaller man hopped up into his embrace, lips exploring all the while as the waves rose and fell.

Nick’s lips upturned as they made out, and he ran a wet hand through Ellis’ curly hair as the other grabbed him around his back. Ellis wrapped his legs around Nick’s waist, his mouth going harder now as he clung and raked his hands and arms up his fiance’s back. He pulled his lips away, and tentatively glanced towards the houses on the beach.

“They’ll see us,” he said, quietly.

“Let ‘em see,” Nick replied, voice husky as arousal began to sink into his nerves. “It’ll give them one hell of a show.”

“Nick, I don’t know,” Ellis said, averting his eyes, and Nick caught them with his own.

“Don’t worry about whether or not they see us then,” he said, even if the idea was kind of making him all the more enticed.

The younger man dipped his hand down Nick’s chest, the waves surging and receding around them gently. “This is like somethin’ outta one’ve them dumb romantic movies my Mom always liked.”

“Except we’re aware of our hypothetical audience,” Nick said, the house lights spots in the distance. Ellis smiled, and began kissing him again. It was a little exciting, he had to admit. The time for talking had passed, and Nick’s palms wasted no time as they crept down Ellis’ swim trunks, giving his ass a firm squeeze. Ellis let out a throaty moan, and chuckled as he squeezed his lover a little tighter. The buoyancy assisted in keeping him up, and Nick kissed across his chest as he lifted him a little higher. He bit and pinched at Ellis’ collarbone, his teeth exploring and making Ellis cry out all the more, even if the cries were a little quiet right now. That would change soon enough.

Nick’s hand groped at the elastic waistband of the trunks, the fighting against the water. Where it assisted in lifting, it hindered in moving, and he bucked his hips up carefully. The faint moonlight stuck in his eyes, and Ellis would have told him that he looked stunning.

But before he could, Nick had pulled at the swim trunks with a subtle huff, signaling that he was getting impatient. Ellis was suddenly facing the possibility of being stark naked in the ocean, on a quasi-public beach, and the glowing lights in the distance were all the more intimidating. His heart started to race even faster.

“Nick,” he whispered, and Nick kissed him again, as if to say ‘not to worry’. And in that moment, he didn’t worry anymore. Instead he moaned out again, and clenched his legs around Nick even tighter. He nearly protested when Nick untangled himself from his lover’s thighs, but when it was just to remove the swim trunks once and for all and whip them towards the shore, he grinned, and latched right back on. Nick grunted a bit, and while he kept one arm around Ellis’ back he battled against the water to remove his own boxers. He swore a bit as Ellis chewed on his earlobe, the contortions more difficult.

“Hold on,” he said, quietly, and Ellis nodded, letting go just long enough to get Nick naked. He grabbed the boxers from his lover’s hands, and threw them the way of the trunks. Nick grinned at him, and wrapped Ellis’ strong thighs around him again. “Prep?” he asked.

“Maybe a little,” Ellis nodded, and Nick moved one of his hands across Ellis’ ass cheek and towards his hole. He winked as he poked at it cautiously, and Ellis gasped again, closing his eyes and smiling a little. Nick carefully pushed one finger inside his lover’s entrance, hoping the water would provide fair lubrication, and Ellis yapped again, crinkling his nose. First entrances were always a bit awkward, but he’d taught himself how to adjust but quick. Nick prodded and moved his finger about, fighting against Ellis’ muscles a bit before letting a second one slip in.

“Ahh shit,” Ellis grunted, swallowing. “That’s enough, just go, go go.”

“You’re sure?” Nick asked.

“Yeah, go!” Ellis snipped impatiently, his cock pressing against Nick’s lower abdomen. So Nick nodded, removed his fingers, and swiftly shoved himself inside. Ellis yelled out, gripping his lover's shoulders, and Nick bent his legs a bit, trying to steady himself in the water. This would be interesting. How long could he stay upright with a writhing mechanic on his dick? And how many people were going to figure out just what was going on out there?

Once Ellis had found a position comfortable enough for him, he looked down at Nick and started to raise and lower. It took more exertion because of the water, but at the same time it lifted him easily. It sloshed around him as he moved, and his mouth parted slightly at the sensations of being thrust into and enveloped by the sea. Nick kept his palms firmly against his lover’s hips, and he threw his own up as best he could, knees bending and straightening repeatedly. He grunted as he did so, the water splashing up a little as the movements became less and less fluid and more frantic. He licked his lips, staring up at his lover as he bit his lip.

Ellis huffed with every movement, and he held Nick closer, ankles hooking around each other as he pressed his forehead against the older man's. He felt a bit useless, as the water made side to side movement nearly impossible, but the way Nick was unrelenting in his thrusts and able to lift him so high made up for that. “Oh God, Nick,” he sighed, clenching his muscles in response.

Nick heaved up, groaning as he did so. He wasn’t sure how long he’d be able to keep going; his knees were already starting to ache. “El, El, can we move to-?”

“Whatever you need!” Ellis breathed, and Nick whipped them around and practically flung them to the shoreline. As soon as he felt they’d be in shallow enough water, they thudded to the wet sand. Ellis squawked out a swear word or two as he was squished, and Nick winced.

“Sorry,” he said, and kept thrusting.

“It’s oka-AAY!” Ellis exclaimed as the new positioning, though more conspicuous, made his g-spot that much more accessible. “AH, HARDER!”

Nick nodded as he rocked his hips forward, more lights on the houses turning on. Surely they heard a commotion along with the crash of the waves. He lifted Ellis’ leg over his shoulder for more room, the kid so much more flexible after being with Nick for a year. Ellis’ elbows dug into the sand as he pawed at Nick’s arms, and he started to keen and yowl even more. As Nick pounded into him, the waves would advance and retreat around their forms, adding another strange sensation to the mix.

Nick winced as he grit his teeth and rocked harder, muscles winding taut the more he moved. Ellis’ repeated moans and cries of his name didn’t help matters, and even when a porch light from the neighboring house turned on he didn’t stop.  They were technically on the rental property; as far as Nick was concerned the only thing they were guilty of was bad taste. He shouted out with each thrust now, and Ellis squirmed beneath him as both of them began to reach the beginning of the end.

“Nick, I’m almost there,” Ellis rasped, his own insides scraping and groaning. “Just a li'l more, PLEASE!” He whined and panted, so desperate to release.

Nick smashed his lips against Ellis’, trying to block his screams and moans with the kid’s mouth. Ellis shoved his tongue in Nick’s how maw, but soon pulled away, so close to coming and hoping to give that his full attention. He raised his hips as Nick sank in all the way again, and as another wave crashed and surrounded them he too broke, crying out a mix of Nick’s name and supplicant moans and jabbering.

Nick’s head dropped forward as he heaved in breath after breath. Just a couple more thrusts would do it for him, and he took them long and slowly. Ellis opened his eyes, pupils dilated and gaze lazy, and Nick held contact as he shook. As he dipped in all the way one last time, it was suddenly upon him, and he pressed his forehead against Ellis’ as he erupted deep within his fiancé. He slipped his hand around Ellis’ lower back as he snared him close, shouting out brazenly for whoever was around to hear, and after he could no longer remain on his knees he fell forward and landed on top of the smaller man. The ocean lapped up around them as they caught their breaths, gulping and chuckling quietly.

Nick grinned down and kissed him gently on the lips. “That’s the best way to end this trip, I think,” he said, and Ellis nodded.

“Yeah, no kiddin’!” he said, and was about to say something else…

But before he could he saw Nick’s expression change to a deer in the headlights. He tilted his head back, and saw a gaggle of college girls standing on a porch of one of the houses, looking a bit dumbfounded at the two naked men entangled in each other.

“Oh shit,” Ellis said, cheeks turning beet red.

“Took the words right out of my mouth,” Nick replied.

Oh that’s right, there IS a downside to public sex, Ellis thought.

Suffice to say, they gathered up their scant clothing and retreated into their rental for the rest of the night.

What they didn’t know was that all the girls were less disgusted and horrified, but more amused and impressed.


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