for the first time in years an years an years.... a quiz on lj! (an fb prob)

Apr 04, 2015 03:26

although its for the simple reason that I can write a quiz on here a lot easier than fb chat because livejournal doesn't have all the annoying ridiculous advertisements on the screen which for some reason make my internet browser window crash if I type anything of length... which of course knowing my answers... is pretty much everytime I type anything of note on there.

so... as fb people would have noticed it beens a fair while since I've done a quiz an unless I change my mind during this this is only a teeny tiny one to get me my 'fix' so to speak... I honestly do think im addicted to them judging just how many I've done over the years but... here we go. first on lj for many many manyyyyy moons! I do think I should do one drunk as well but I might not end up with many people talking to me afterwards... knowing me like I do lol. anyways babbling aside, lets answer these pointless questions shall we! enjoy!

Where was the last place you went out to eat?
technically, it was mr lorenzos... as I was over his for the annual get together for the wrestlemania ppv which hes hosted for the last few years... ive only missed one because, well, you know, I was at the ppv! ;) its never ever everrrr going to get old to brag about the fact ive actually been to one, theirs inevitably eye rolling every time I do it an it never bothers me whatsoever haha. I guess winding people up is a gift, i'd most definitely be a heel if I was ever to enter the 'squared circle' even if its just because people would prob be rather entertained for me to be beaten up a little bit 'entertainment' or not haha :P

What was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed?
last alcy beverage! haha that's a dangggggg good question as the night in question was my tidy little Saturday night out after the best time in west wales! um... my memory of the night, foggy as I word it right... I remember drinking coronas and so co lemonades, and also drinking a few sambucas an possibly a jager bomb or two... so my bet would be a corona if I feel like I haven't got much cash in my pocket (I had loads tho judging by my wallet) it would have been a corona...

Have you cheated on your current significant other?
im presently an individual guy... thanks! but would I on a girl? ive currently ridiculed the once a cheater always a cheater bs... because first real gf rae, I, in retaliation to her doing it to me, cheated on her in a bad way.. not the right response but I was young dumb and full of... bad ideas. so yeah I made a bad decision. then oneeee fateful day a brother from another culture, on a accidental bus trip to Cardiff central from crosskeys, told me the error of my ways an to stop being a cunt to girls. and not long following that time period I became a lot nicer and life got a lot more boring haha. but since then no. claire I never did, niomi I never did, Jaycie I never did and future idiots that call me a partner will be able to join that club too.

What is more essential - a pretty face or a great body?
essential, neither as a personality is a lot more important... but that of course is avoiding the question! an I never do that. out of the two... face is the thing I guess looking back ive gone for... majority of the girls ive had ties with or been 'fb official' or whatever with... subconsciously or not I dunno. don't get me wrong some of the girls ive been affiliated with have gorgeous figures muchly, but its the face that has my attention because... eyes, lips... come on you been reading these long while you ppl should know this!

Are you upset about anything?
no! touch wood, my moods do have a little crazy tendency to swing like a women leaking Heinz finest, but no im okay! not happy but not like down, oblivious is the word im looking for. as I've started writing this fine little time waster of a quiz ive had ben texting me about Amsterdam and his nights 'training' with Heineken lol so its a nice tidy reminder of the tiny little trip which, in honesty, im not as hyped about as I should be! Polands made me wiser to it but in fairness the crowd attending is extremely different from the Poland one and vegas was a lot lot lot more subdued than I thought it would be, only one night where me ian worried everyone with our disappearing only to be found unconscious face down in our rooms. I still need to see karl an ryans alleged footage of this!

When was the last time you got a good workout?
wow! um... not for a long time. ive earmarked Monday after work to be a really good potential chance to use the work gym but I know what im like...

What were you doing an hour ago?
I was sat on my chair unwinding checking my mail an stuff on my phone... simple things but after work its nice to chill. o! an eating my current addiction... chicken tikka slices! yum yum....

What were you doing at 11:59 PM on Saturday night?
wow I barely remember what I was doing 11 59 yesterday night! haha... pass!

Is your bedroom window open?
hells no! im bloody freezing... its april an it still feels too cold at night, but to be fair in the taxi on the way home I could see how clear the sky was an it looked absolutely stunning, the moon reflecting on clouds, beautiful. but no, window isn't open! and it cant for a while as one side is sealed after I kinda made a boo boo an broke it last year...

Can you speak another language?
bucket list I wana tick but I really won't is being able to speak another language. Ive always said this, although prob not like persisted with anyone over it. id love me an someone else, pref someone who will regularly coffee house it with me, to learn another language so we can have that people watching session that no one can evesdrop in. its rude as hell when I see other people do it but I guess if I could hear what they were saying I could quite possibly be even more offended! haha I wana be one of those people! #heel :p

What are you doing tomorrow?
Nicholas for the next 3 days starts at... funny this, 3 pm! next day off Tuesday so I will be antisocial... but due to a self negotiated deal an fact im the early one out of everyone tomorrow I should hopefully be able to finish at a decent o clock tomorrow. sunday Monday be same! kiss of death much?

What does the last text you received say?
haha its ben an me discussing Amsterdam so ill be keeping it private! :P

Who’s a friend whose name starts with a J?
Jae! Jae Jae Okocha! the name she still cannot stand especially when she discovered who he is and his appearance! lol. shes a throwback to the type of friendships I love to have with certain people... the type of girl, or person you know shouldn't be sexist in this, shes the type that I just can chat absolute shit to an vice versa an its just, us. be myself around her and shes great. hmv a few years ago I swallowed my pride an made an effort to speak to her when we were not on speaking terms (via a third party... similar thing that's happened with a few people... Nicola jennie kay a etc) and it reminded me that shes that cool girl that loves walks with ducks or elbow dropping me at 6 am whilst im hungover as hell. legend :)

Who was the last person you went swimming with?
ive never managed to successfully swim! so no one! the last people that got me in a pool were the vegas crew (an Brazilian girls really did not hurt the idea of going to the pool area either..) ben ryan ian dan moyes karl... the trip that more than any other needs a full on sequel. bigger an badder. more people. more time there. less sight seeing... more getting fudged up. has to happen!!!

What is your favorite soda?
only fizzy drink I have is lemonade an I still on a daily basis blame Courteney for that. I only ever previously drank it with so co... but she made me drink some of her blackcurrent an lemonade an whilst that's evolved to orange, im awful with it... bad court!

Who is your favorite person to have a serious conversation with?
to have a serious one with! now that's tricky! crazy conversations I could give you a host of names... like a little back an forth I had with nat maggs a long while with us going promo crazy... I miss that lady! terri an me have had some crazy convos ian of course, glenn back in the day jae like I mentioned even in work laura an me chat some bollocks an Sammy's mental half hour an courts rants... so many. but serious... hmm... good question. dan an me when drunk actually have had a few decent heart to hearts.. of course I don't remember fuck all of it. um... ironically me ian can at times. me sammy back over Christmas did a lot she was a good friend then an likewise me to her I think. my dad prob tops the list tho... :)

Do you like someone?
I like lots of people! ;) but you mean individual right? my mind is a pretty complicated little beast when it comes to trying to write a decent answer for this. whatever Nicholas writes it could be misinterpreted as it was last time I did. Nicholas has his curiosities without a doubt, but hes not looking to be a partner for a while made that clear, seeing someone going on a date sure why not however you word it, but the whole being 'tied down' lol no thanks not right now... after last time its taken me a fair while to pick myself back up an I don't think ive managed it yet. some people didn't realise just how its really not fun to be promised the world only to have them drop that same world on top of you to wake you up from a dream they could never make a true reality even with every promise in the world. when you get that... again... you need a while to regroup. nothing personal. ;)

What do you think of the person you got this from?
no idea they are some random off the internet! with a lot shorter answers than me :p

Describe what you’re wearing in detail?
in addition to the previous answer, I now know they like polka dot underwear. so I now think, they are a bit of a dusty Rhodes weirdo. ;) detail... okay... I have a blue short sleeved billabong t shirt (yes ian... BONG!he says it every time he sees it) which I got in new York city after ryan pushed me too lol... um an reebok tracksuit bottoms and stripey boxers! no socks for once ... cold feet :(

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
whoever in work, chef maybe when I had a go at him for not doing his job properly. restaurant girls were amused lol

What do you think about people who party a lot?
first name jumps to mind is Kieleigh! haha. no I've done it myself when I was her age.. bit older too. Friday night close up work... go out get drunk. go in Saturday hungover tell everyone your never drinking again. by 11 pm the guys have come in saying nick tonights the night meze is looking amazing. by 12 im finishing up an spoons are offering me my standard free drink after work. by 12 30 im in meze... 5/6 am I stumble home. 9 am im back in work for the sunday lunch shift... that was my life for months! odd student night thrown in... was great times with nic fry lozzy kay gav ben lisa jo ju don etc. still remember them all :)

Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
it depends who. when 2 guests were telling me what they were planning on doing when they got back to the room it was interesting till he spoke. lol nah I don't mind find it amusing I do my nod an neutral expression that I do in work a lot... I don't even try an feign interest as much but the staff know when I am lol

What makes a perfect evening?
a perfect evening? hmm... a dream like state walking along the river thames was the last one I could call a perfect night... stand by that. vegas night one was, for different reasons, pretty damn awesome. hell... my last night out was pretty damn awesome after my mums, being back to see all my friends and a very amusing wake up message from my dad made for a heck of a Saturday night out. perfect is a pretty tough shout. my birthday was also pretty damn good... but I didn't win the Kirov! so not perfect :P

Who were the last people you chilled with?
last people I socialised with were loz an karl, loz 'convinced' me to buy diablo with him, which I finally had a go on yesterday an was well impressed, seems a big game! of course forgot to buy everything I went out to get an bought stuff I didn't need. next chill out time with the guys will be Thursday, seeing paul walkers little swansong in fast an furious... 7? they've done too many now lol

How often do you tan, if you do at all?
my last proper tan was 2002, in Hawaii Honolulu... It doesn't happen much!

Are you one of those people who obsesses over Hollister?
over what??? someone brief me please if you read this!

What was the last CD you purchased?
Nicholas doesn't buy cds! he has Spotify! going to be gutted when my memberships expires, 99p for 3 months!!

What are two bands/singers that you will always love?
limp bizkit of course! and... hm! another one I will always love... queen! why not who doesn't love queen

When was the last time you dyed your hair?
terri I think was the last one to dye it for me back when she lived down the road from me... way back! dyed it completely black for me, Id love it that black again but im still too scared to dye it myself plus I don't exactly have as much hair as I used to an hair dye doesn't help with hair density :(

Do you wish someone would call you?
no. its 3 am if someone rings now its prob bad news an Nicholas hates bad news! becca would be exception because did check to see if she was home (ignorant...) an of course, if emma stone cant sleep then im always there for her! :p no in fairness late night calls I do miss, bizkit calls made famous by dan, ryan an cathy were always fun, except when in work wanting to go out... then you guys sucked ;)

thanks for reading ... as always! shorter this time than usual... ish! :) x
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