Jun 04, 2005 19:13
well i got here at kevins yesterday.... not working till monday which sucks because im stuck here doing nothing and i mean nothing.... all day today ive just sat on the couch watching t.v and try to get my laptop to work which is to no prevale. so now im on kevins computer while hes gone for a lil while. soooo ive been starving already haha literaly this place is a bachelor pad. no food no drinks except for acohol so i had to run down the block to the convienence store to get some food for myslef. ahhh good news tho kevin just called and said that he might find a way to get my laptop to work when he gets back so i might be on aim sometime soon but for now im on my aol s/n nicksrunninquick and u might be able to i/m me through there so give it a try. well folks im out gonna see if i can talk mike and sandy into going out tonight and see if we could find somethin to do. ummmm still no clue on my return right now the houses dont seem to big so asap prolly 2 weeks BUT.... talking about another deal with another company for a couple more houses which might turn into another 3-4weeks after that. money is needed tho... well ill get on soon to update and mike says that we might go to some beach tuesday and take out the boat and go tubing and anyone is invited well im out
ehhhh missing you crazy??